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  1. TWoodJeepin

    What did you do to your Jeep today?

    So when they're lit up does the whole headlight light up?
  2. TWoodJeepin

    What did you do to your Jeep today?

    And this are legal? Lol
  3. TWoodJeepin

    What did you do to your Jeep today?

    How do you do the halos idea? I've seen a few and think it looks wicked but I don't know how to go about doing it.
  4. TWoodJeepin

    Squeling problem

    Found out the cause. The steel plate that goes over the brake system to prevent dirt, gravel, etc. from flying up in it was bent and catching on the rim of the tire lol I bent it back and whala no more squealing!
  5. TWoodJeepin

    Squeling problem

    Yeah I just replaced my wheel bearings a week ago so was thinking it could just be the pads. Thanks guys
  6. TWoodJeepin

    Squeling problem

    Hey guys so I have a 1998 jeep wrangler and just today I heard a squealing that sounded to be coming from the front end where the tires are, but it only squealed when I accelerated. When I let off the gas or hit the break it stopped until I began to accelerate again. What could this be?