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  1. Shewilly


    Bump... Cmon, someone wants to spend their income tax return on these!
  2. Shewilly

    Well, hello! Hows that Jeep coming along? Trish

    Well, hello! Hows that Jeep coming along? Trish
  3. Shewilly

    1983 cj5 restoration

    Moving right along with this, looks great! What did you do the diffs with to make them look so super new?
  4. Shewilly

    I have just three words for you

    gettin kinda messy
  5. Shewilly

    I have just three words for you

    snow melting fast
  6. Shewilly

    I have just three words for you

    three words man!
  7. Shewilly

    What did you do to your Jeep today?

    Stripped the paint from the tailgate, now entire jeep is bare naked steel!
  8. Shewilly


    cpl more. Im in Erie Pa 16428
  9. Shewilly


    Set of 4 Super Swamper TSL 35 14.5 on American Racing Wheels (dont know the backspacing) 5 X 5.5 1000 bucks Ive never used these, and the guy I bought them from only had them on his willys pickup for a couple weeks, maybe.
  10. Shewilly

    I have just three words for you

    way too long!
  11. Shewilly

    Last person to comment wins $20

    ​Envisioning Jeepacorns...
  12. Shewilly

    WANTED: top for `73 cj5

    Scary business buying a top for that year! Good luck!
  13. Shewilly

    Tyler1jku here new to the forum here's my rig

    Welcome! I like "monster" green. Theres an old roadster streetrod up the road thats all monstered out. Pretty cool. Nice Rig =)
  14. Shewilly

    E-brake 75 CJ5 / vs Bronco parts?

    But this is the part I cant seem to find... Ive got one like this, and I will try it (if I can find it) but like I said this is for '75 CJ
  15. Shewilly

    E-brake 75 CJ5 / vs Bronco parts?

    Ive got 2 of these (equalizer bar) coming from a place called "the jeep guy" Looks like hes got quite a few hard to find goodies.
  16. Shewilly

    Last person to comment wins $20

    Aww! She looks like an Australian Cattle Dog, very smart! One of my top picks, if I were to own a dog. Congrats!
  17. Shewilly

    E-brake 75 CJ5 / vs Bronco parts?

    Im sorry, not sure if I was looking for advise, or just looking to vent! Getting it home isnt my concern rite now, its at the fabrication shop, then going to paint. But the climate conrolled garage, with the lift and all the fancy do-dad tools are available to use till it leaves there. So you...
  18. Shewilly

    E-brake 75 CJ5 / vs Bronco parts?

    Welp, Im still struggling with these stupid brakes. The bronco "equalizer bar" was too long. Finally found and ordered the rite ones. Searched high and low for that stupid spring, and got the last ones my supplier had. Now, the part that I call the "equalizer bar" This is the bracket that the...
  19. Shewilly

    jeep weight

    1.8 ton sounds heavier lol
  20. Shewilly

    Hello from northern New Jersey.

    Welcome! wish ya luck!