Search results

  1. Saurian

    Secret Lives

    Equipment Operator I, Streets and Facilities division, City of Madison Heights Department of Public Services... So, basically, I'm one of those guys in the safety green vests you see filling potholes, repairing cement, mowing parks, trimming trees, cleaning up vandalism, picking up garbage...
  2. Saurian Spring Giveaway - sponsored by Muddy Rocks Offroad

    Posting with a hello, and a thank you to all involved... Today's my Jeep's 8th birthday, and I know it would like something bestowed upon it :)
  3. Saurian

    Oil Pressure Problem NEED HELP

    The sensor is mounted directly above the oil filter; if you're looking at it from the passenger side (pretend you have x-ray vision), the filter is pointing at 9:00, the sensor is pointing at 12:00... It is quite possible it may have become unplugged/a wire could have come loose... Just a...
  4. Saurian

    Funny quotes and one liners from movies

    (around 1:17) Sultan: Have you any famous last words? B.V.M. Not yet... Sultan: "Not yet?" Is that famous? vuqBKiKycbA Best movie EVER!!!
  5. Saurian

    It's about time...

    Whoah... Spot on... Can you SAY that these days?!?
  6. Saurian

    I have just three words for you

    Smilies not words... :)
  7. Saurian

    The OFFICIAL Random thread

    ::cut to commercial. Jeep Cherokee is doing some intense mud-wheeling, with Hoobastank's Crawling in the Dark playing in the background... Through a forested trail, mud is covering the Jeep with the exception of the part cleared out by the windshield wipers... Mud and water are flying everywhere...
  8. Saurian

    The National Anthem and Lip-syncing.

    Woo... Now this is something that I can sink my teeth into... TC, my father was the same way... We were brought up not just to respect the flag, but to respect it because we knew everything that it stood for. At a Wings game, Tigers game, Memorial day services at City Hall, whatever the event...
  9. Saurian

    I have just three words for you

    Jeep? What sort?
  10. Saurian

    The OFFICIAL Random thread

    Random tidbit... I seem to find myself in love... Not only that, but with someone that is totally in love with me... rock on saurian!!! :D
  11. Saurian

    The OFFICIAL Random thread

    O say, does that star spangled banner yet wave O'er the land of the free, and the home of the brave?
  12. Saurian

    Check your lugnuts guys!!!

    My cousin had the same thing happen, heading down the road in the western part of the state, think he stopped, and the wheel just kept right on going... Glad you're OK, that's a scary bit of business when your Jeep goes tripod.
  13. Saurian

    Charges sporadically==We've gone bald and gray

    Hope that it does not, for your sake... What shape is the battery in? I would also suggest that the belt may be slipping, or you have a wiring problem somewhere; when things are jiggled around changing out this, that, and the other, it could be pressing things back together the way they should...
  14. Saurian

    A Pleasant Winter Holiday Observance Day To All!

    I just sat down and wrote this, cracked myself up to no end as I did... Enjoy... Pretty much says it all...:lol: So... It is Politically Correct Holiday Time... That's right, boys and girls and transgendered people alike, it's very nearly Non-Offensive, Non-Committal, Non-Denominational Winter...
  15. Saurian

    Intermittant Blower motor

    When the fan is not running, open the hood and wiggle the connection on the fan itself, if it's anything like my Jeep, the back of the fan motor should be in a housing sticking out of the firewall on the passenger side... There is a plug on that, this is the problem with mine, but I cannot...
  16. Saurian

    Offroading with airbags

    There is a fuse, to the best of my recall, it's one of the ones for the airbag system, but I am not one hundred percent sure, that controls things like, your air conditioning, your backup lights, a couple other systems like that. As I recall, the original problem was the airbag light being on...
  17. Saurian

    Getting the Jeep to run cooler..

    Check the thermostat. We had this problem on a chipper truck at work, it's kind of interesting, really that such a silly little part can cause both overheating, and overcooling. In our case, the thermostat was stuck wide open, causing the coolant to not be held in the engine long enough to heat...
  18. Saurian

    Church ordered to pay $10.9 million for funeral protest

    That is just sick... There are SO many parents out there who do not take the time or energy to teach their kids what is and is not appropriate behavior, but they sure can teach hate... Oh yes... Generations upon generations teaching the old family hate, prejudice, and what have you to the kids... :x
  19. Saurian

    has everyone been busy?

    Seriously ill for a week, then a week getting ready for, setting up, and attending a friend's wedding which I was standing up in, and currently, an obsessive project involving audio editing, and our National Anthem... We need a good ol' fashioned Jeepz chat.
  20. Saurian

    Inexcusable ..... W

    Heh... It is indeed, and one of the better, and more sociable forums that I've come across... The General Chat sometimes sees some... spirited debates, but we're all here for the same reason, so welcome, hope you stay around :)