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  1. Saurian

    I'm selling my YJ

    If it wasn't for the Ford Ranger that I got stuck with when my sister decided that she didn't want to pay for it anymore, which wouldn't have been a problem were it not in my name, I'd snatch that YJ up in a heartbeat... Always wanted one... Best of luck on your search, and make sure that YJ's...
  2. Saurian


    One opinion is good... Seven opinions are better :twisted:
  3. Saurian

    Beware..I hate people like this

    It's amazing how many people will fall for these scams... County funds lost in Nigerian scam Treasurer accused of illegal transfer January 18, 2007 BY DAWSON BELL FREE PRESS STAFF WRITER The longtime treasurer of Alcona County was...
  4. Saurian

    Momentous Occasion

    I wish I had my camera or something when mine flipped over 100,000... Ah well... Guess I'll have to wait till I lap it :D
  5. Saurian


    Congratulations! Glad to hear the birth went safe and sound for all involved...
  6. Saurian


    When my '00 started overheating, I found through a little research that the gauge is not entirely accurate; it'll go up to about 235, and hang there, so you think everything's OK, then it blasts up to 260 when you're really overheating quite badly... Guess it's a thing on the 97+ instrument...
  7. Saurian

    '88 Wagoneer MPG

    I have heard tell that switching over to a 4 barrel carb. will help fuel economy... My little brother's got an '86, seems like he's filling it up practically every day when he's in town driving it, so I know what you mean... He was told this by the guy with the wagoneer at the barber shop...
  8. Saurian

    I got a new problem..

    Perhaps a sticky throttle body/linkage? My buddy Kevin's '93 Mustang had it happen; it'd be fine, then the throttle would start to stick, it would lurch, rev, wouldn't want to stop... Little WD-40, and it was right as rain... Just a thought...
  9. Saurian

    The OFFICIAL Random thread

    It's 40... There's about 2 inches of water in my backyard on top of the 4 remaining inches of snow... It's gonna get muddy this week
  10. Saurian

    The OFFICIAL Random thread

    I have a funeral to go to this morning, and a wedding this afternoon... Talk about an emotional roller coaster... :?
  11. Saurian

    Jeep Brand Clothing

    I own several pairs of Jeep jeans... They are comfortable. They wear well... The teflon-coated fabric has washed up like new even after having mud, wood-dust, grease, oil, red wine, blood, you name it...
  12. Saurian

    The OFFICIAL Random thread

    So, they said we were going to get 6-8 inches of snow overnight... Didn't believe it, correctly predicting the weather in Michigan is about as likely as finding integrity in a political campaign... Surprise surprise, we got about 8 inches of snow in one fell swoop, along with 30 MPH gusting...
  13. Saurian

    The OFFICIAL Random thread

    Don't bellow, fellow, it's red, not yellow.
  14. Saurian

    The OFFICIAL Random thread

    I'd like to say a few words... Box. Grapefruit. Microwave. Toaster. No, I take that one back, I'm gonna hold on to that one :D
  15. Saurian

    The OFFICIAL Random thread

    -2 now with a high of 12, and we have no siding on most of the house, it's being redone... Little drafty... Which WarCraft? I'm obsessed again lately with WarCraft II :D
  16. Saurian

    The OFFICIAL Random thread

    The windchill is - 19. It is 1 out right now... little chilly
  17. Saurian

    Paragon verdict is in, and it's not good...

    Alas, like many things, it comes down to a factor of both what MORE people want, and what will make MORE money... And I'm sure the majority of persons in the county/state/country would be just delighted with yet another stupid strip mall or another bloody high-priced subdivision, just as I'm...
  18. Saurian

    The OFFICIAL Random thread

    The only reason... ONLY reason I want it to be spring is because, at present, we are not working... It is far too cold for the equipment, things are breaking left and right... Sitting at home staring at the fire is lovely, but doesn't do much for the coffers :(
  19. Saurian

    RE: Paragon Adventure Park lease in jeopardy

    Re: Paragon Adventure Park lease in jeopardy Signed.
  20. Saurian

    The OFFICIAL Random thread

    It is 3:38 AM. I have just woke up, and am eating homemade chili... That is all. THINK SPRING!