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  1. 69jeepcj

    1985 cj7

    I cant help.. I don't know anything about the quadra trac 4x4 system in the automatic cj,s. This don't sound like a tcase problem to me, as you should be able to put it in park whether your in 4x4 or not. when coming out of 4lo, try putting it in reverse backing up a few feet then go to neutral...
  2. 69jeepcj

    Dash Lights

    was thinking same thing, wasn't sure how to word it.. sounds like the wires are mixed between the two. could be just one wire
  3. 69jeepcj


    Just to add to TLCJ5s post, at the fire wall where the wires come through. Move the wires around with your lights on, if the lights flicker, you have a short at the fire wall. rear tail lights sockets:: pull the bulbs and clean the socket, check ground wire is secure.
  4. 69jeepcj

    Any trick to getting a frozen caliper off?

    I have had to do the same, using large pry bar. It didn't hurt the rotor even though I was replacing it anyway, tore a chunck of the brake pad off is all, or what was left of it.. using a small pry bar and taps with a hammer may do the trick.
  5. 69jeepcj


    try a new flasher, should be under dash around steering column or by fuse box area. Check your grounds. I had a bad flasher cause my lights to do crazy things.
  6. 69jeepcj


    Hard tops are heavy (two person removal and install), hot in the summer when it rains (unless you have a/c) storage issues. They are warmer in the winter, windows wont crack from scraping ice, ability to lock the doors, are about the only pluses over a solf top in my opinion. soft tops are...
  7. 69jeepcj

    CJ5 steering linkage slop

    If you use the jeep off road at all, you may want to consider bracing the steering box. You could even make one, the brace attaches around the bottom of the steering gear box around the sector shaft housing (shaft pitman arm is on) and runs over to passenger side frame rail. It keeps the front...
  8. 69jeepcj

    Dana 300 transfer case

    80|90 gear oil, I don't have a specific brand.
  9. 69jeepcj

    What did you do to your Jeep today?

    I didn't realize it was the actual NIV version... fits perfectly though
  10. 69jeepcj

    Is this a good buy - it'll be my first!

    Agree with superJ. Not as a primary vehicle.. That thing is modded out, and just about every jeeper would love to have it. Just not as a daily driver for reasons stated above.
  11. 69jeepcj

    CJ5 steering linkage slop

    That is a rag joint as stated, and it is supposed to be there.. your local auto parts store should have new one,s on the shelf. It is there to reduce vibration. Don't weld it!
  12. 69jeepcj

    Chev 350.. possible transmissions

    Did you ever find out what transmission you have? if not can you post any pictures of the transmission so we may be able to identify it.
  13. 69jeepcj

    1974 cj5 seat brackets

    I took a few pictures yesterday, now I just have to figure out how to post them.. I have been told before so I think I will figure it out. ill get them up as soon as I can..
  14. 69jeepcj

    What did you do to your Jeep today?

    I absolutely love the saying that go,s with your jack! its perfect. did you come up with that or did you see it somewhere? I want to copy it for my jeep, I just love it!! I
  15. 69jeepcj

    1978 CJ5 carb issues

    I would follow any and all advise on your carb Mr. Turbogus has for you. I followed his carb thread and he went through a lot and should be very familiar with your carb if it is the same.. I think he had his apart a million times
  16. 69jeepcj

    1974 cj5 seat brackets

    scratch that idea of the above suggestion. I just went out to the garage and looked at my seat brackets, I must have seen that on a cj-7 because that wont work on ours. you could run one bar all the way across and then run two from it back to the raised floor on each side for the seats to sit...
  17. 69jeepcj

    1974 cj5 seat brackets

    here is a idea I have seen. Your year seat brackets bolt to the door opening on both driver and passenger side. you could run two bars from driver to passenger side door opening where the seat bracket holes are and bolt them in, put a support bar in the middle from the bar to the floor where...
  18. 69jeepcj

    1974 cj5 seat brackets

    dimensionally the tubs are the same, but the seating positions changed I think in 70, moving the driver to the left just a bit from the earlier seating position. The 76 and up is completely different, different brackets and all. If you have a blank floor I would think you could put the later 76...
  19. 69jeepcj

    liberty engine light

    That's good.. and thanks for the heads up. The miles do concern me a bit, but it was the best looking and running thing in my price range which was pretty low, lol. Time will tell! I am curious how long the engine will make it, that is a lot of miles, don't think I have ever owned a car with...
  20. 69jeepcj

    liberty engine light

    Well, I had the code read. Don't remember the exact code, but it was running lean and the computer at the auto store said "no recommended service available at this time" the parts guy said I probably got some bad gas and it may clear itself, Well about two hours later it did.. light is off...