Search results

  1. Manningctm

    Nevada Newbie

    Welcome LT! Enjoy. Good luck with the purchase, let us know if you get it.
  2. Manningctm

    Hi, I'm MJ

    Welcome to Jeepz. That's a sharp looking Unlimited. Enjoy!
  3. Manningctm


    Welcome to Jeepz. I am liking the color. Folks can definitely see you coming down the road!! Enjoy.
  4. Manningctm

    couple fender flare questions

    Hey buddy..I have a set of stock flares off my 2000 TJ. Small scratches on the front left one. I have had them in a box for years now (maybe 7 years or so). I don't need them. What do you think?
  5. Manningctm

    Portland Oregon JEEPZ forum newbie here!

    Welcome....nice looking JK. Looks like you are putting it to good use. Hopefully it will live up to the expectations you have and you can set it along side your Jeeps from the past!!
  6. Manningctm

    Side step question

    I have a set in my workshop that I removed from a friend's TJ. If you can wait a week I will take picture of them. If you want them just pay the shipping from Georgia to you and they're yours.
  7. Manningctm

    hey from alabama

    Where in Alabama are you? Nice looks familiar did you buy it from the PO right across the line in the Columbus, GA area?
  8. Manningctm

    new member

    Welcome to the site... Show us some pics sometime... Enjoy
  9. Manningctm

    The OFFICIAL Random thread

    Though it feels like a ringmaster many times!...You were correct with your second choice. I will add that how big the person is doesn't matter...the population I work with are door kicking special operators who have no issues kicking down a door and shooting a bad guy in the face in a war torn...
  10. Manningctm

    The OFFICIAL Random thread

    In my line of work I have found that one of the top "phobias" reported by folks are clowns...I call it the poltergeist generation!!
  11. Manningctm

    Real Jeeps? your opinion please

    Or a fish...
  12. Manningctm

    stubborn TPS sensor

    Apparently jimbob was only wearing his "15 pieces of flare ...gotta love Office Space!
  13. Manningctm

    New from Jersey

    Hi back at you. Enjoy Jeepz.
  14. Manningctm

    Stickers are in

    Finally got my sticker on....Fits nicely with the others especially the on clydethepirate sent me a few days ago.
  15. Manningctm

    I have just three words for you

    Look, shiny object
  16. Manningctm

    Dog issues

    I have a yellow lab who likes riding in the front
  17. Manningctm

    Friendly and helpful staff in Tucson

    I have been up here in Tucson for a couple days for work and had a few minutes to kill before jumping on a plane to the next location. I decided to stop in at the Tucson area 4 Wheel Parts store just to look around. They were extremely helpful and friendly even after they realized I probably...
  18. Manningctm

    New Guy from New Jersey

    Welcome...this place is one of the better to learn some tricks of the trade. Enjoy!!
  19. Manningctm

    Got my stickers in today!

    Nice!!.....also diggin' the pig trail sticker...been up that road quite a bit back in the day...never in my Jeep, though
  20. Manningctm

    You know you drive a Jeep when....

    When the UPS driver just throws the box in the back of your Jeep and doesn't come to the door because he already knows it's another part!!