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  1. southpawj79

    PARACORD handles & accessories!!!

    Well there's just a bunch of options depending on weave and some items depending on length u need... Like belts n rifle slings I price depending on length and which weave u want... Like cobra weave is X2 as much time and Paracord as cobra weave. But mostly bc if I PM you I can pull up all...
  2. southpawj79

    PARACORD handles & accessories!!!

    No worries! U kno where to find me when ur ready!
  3. southpawj79

    PARACORD handles & accessories!!!

    Can mail a check or money order to me. I've had people do that
  4. southpawj79

    PARACORD handles & accessories!!!

    Thanks! I'd greatly appreciate that! U kno where to find me!
  5. southpawj79

    PARACORD handles & accessories!!!

    Some of my past projects
  6. southpawj79

    PARACORD handles & accessories!!!

    I'm simply a volunteer firefighter.. Who is joining the Marines and is trying to make it by in this economy... I recently started a business from what was a hobby. I find many people like things made from paracord and with my ropes training as a firefighter I can do several types of knots and...
  7. southpawj79

    Yes. Sorry I mostly use my iPhone app and I don't see these posts... I can only see my pm's and...

    Yes. Sorry I mostly use my iPhone app and I don't see these posts... I can only see my pm's and thread posts... Feel free to on me if ur still interested!
  8. southpawj79

    Grab Some Handles! PARACORD

    Black n burnt orange
  9. southpawj79

    Grab Some Handles! PARACORD

    Great! Feel free to post pics
  10. southpawj79

    Grab Some Handles! PARACORD

  11. southpawj79

    Grab Some Handles! PARACORD

    I also included a pic of a all king cobra grab handle vs regular grab handles that have king cobra for handle and cobra for straps so they are flush wit rollbar. All grab handles come with stainless steel shackles.
  12. southpawj79

    Grab Some Handles! PARACORD

    The pink is a stick shift shaft cover.
  13. southpawj79

    Grab Some Handles! PARACORD

    Pm sent!
  14. southpawj79

    Grab Some Handles! PARACORD

    Pm sent
  15. southpawj79

    Grab Some Handles! PARACORD

    Snake + monkeyfist key fobs Bracelet Grab handles
  16. southpawj79

    Grab Some Handles! PARACORD

    Well I don't charge much more after cost. Plus i donate a good portion of the profit. And considering the time it takes to make them I dont make much... But I can make a thinner weave one... Be about 1" wide handle instead of 1.5" like how wide bracelets are... There are a few other weave...
  17. southpawj79

    Grab Some Handles! PARACORD

    Well if u want to get one I'll look up some faces if u give me an idea the price range n style ur lookn for in a watch face :)
  18. southpawj79

    Grab Some Handles! PARACORD

    Thank u!
  19. southpawj79

    Grab Some Handles! PARACORD

    Yes sorry I was out of reach or a few days. I can def do watchbands. Are specific face u had in mind?