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  1. 69jeepcj

    drivetrain for a 79 CJ5

    If you have any questions of it being a 304 or not, all AMC engines had the displacement stamped into the side of the block. yj,s have hydraulic clutches, you have manual linkage from the factory. Does it go into gear fine? sounds like you may need to adjust the linkage so the clutch fully...
  2. 69jeepcj

    Going a little nuts, need help!

    Yes, by all means, if you can afford a dyno tune go for it in my opinion. They will tune it better than both of us. Taking it down to 18* was probably smart, I have the same situation with my pipes. Hard to hear if its pinging, until it pings then its obvious, going up a big hill and giving it a...
  3. 69jeepcj

    Going a little nuts, need help!

    after thinking about it a minute, I think I would raise my initial to 20* and take it for a ride and see what happens. I think as long as the starter don't kick back you may be fine. Just so we are on the same page with terminology, which I think we are. initial timing=at the crank with timing...
  4. 69jeepcj

    Going a little nuts, need help!

    so with no vac connected to the advance can you only have 10* mechanical timing in the dist? wow! that is insanely low. The springs will not change the timing, it ONLY allows the set timing to come in faster or slower depending on if you put stiffer or weaker springs on. Bring the timing in too...
  5. 69jeepcj

    Going a little nuts, need help!

    correction on my second sentence. you will need to subtract your initial timing to find out how much timing is in your dist. hope that didn't confuse you. sorry
  6. 69jeepcj

    TJ doors are stuck!

    YES!!!! a big key is to swing the door open and closed a little as you lift... lifting straight up even with working doors is very difficult.
  7. 69jeepcj

    heater removal 93 jeep yj..

    or ditch the one hose and run the other back to where the one came from. just have on hose looped, instead of connecting them together.
  8. 69jeepcj

    Possible belt problems?

    don't some water pumps spin the opposite way???? not sure but thought id ask. did you route the serpentine belt correctly?
  9. 69jeepcj

    Going a little nuts, need help!

    Not sure exactly how you did things, but to check the total "distributer" timing you need to disconnect the vac hose from the advance can and plug it, then rev the motor to around 2500-3000 rpms, this will ensure the weights get flung all the way out and take a timing reading. That will be the...
  10. 69jeepcj

    drivetrain for a 79 CJ5

    All true about the AMC20, but in its defense I also ran one with one piece shafts and a lock rite locker with no problems at all. In fact, I have a video of the E.C.R.R.S (east coast rock race series) and the guy that won the thing was in a pretty basic looking cj-5 with the AMC20 rear with one...
  11. 69jeepcj

    Tire Recommendations

    Funning this thread came up. May want to check these out. my daughter just got me a week late fathers day present. Brand new tires!! I am really impressed with them so far, they are called Patagonia M/T. they are a mud tire but very quiet on the street and have awesome tread and side bitters...
  12. 69jeepcj

    springs ,leaf

    I don't think it would have anything to do with the lean, but you need to fix that or your axle can slide back and fourth on your spring, NOT GOOD. its just a small bolt bolting your leafs together, but you have to unbolt the springs to get to it. Someone has run your spring plate into something...
  13. 69jeepcj

    Tire Recommendations

    If you want the better on road ride then I would stick with the all terrains, the mud tires are louder and have a rougher ride. Cant really think of who makes cheaper brand tires right now, but SPORT KINGS are a pretty decent tire and wont empty the bank.
  14. 69jeepcj

    Tire Recommendations

    how do you want the jeep to handle on road? do you want better off road traction or on road handling? It makes a big difference, Mud tire, all terrain?
  15. 69jeepcj

    Potentially Buying a CJ

    I would buy it in a minute if all rust areas pass inspection. brakes are easy, even drums, the drum springs are tight but a good pair of channel locks and flat head screwdriver does the trick.. good luck and keep us posted.
  16. 69jeepcj

    Ballast Resistor?

    What year jeep? Points or electronic ignition? typically a Ballast resister drops voltage to a points ignition from 12 down to around 9.0 so the points don't receive a constant 12 volts as that will burn up the points, the wire will do the same thing. Research from another jeep forum show...
  17. 69jeepcj

    Jeep cj5 won't fire

    I have a HEI in my jeep as well and when I replaced the module, I just told them I needed a HEI module and they got it.. you could take the old one with you. Got mine at autozone. No Crank Position Sensor on a 75
  18. 69jeepcj

    CJ Doors

    forget the tj doors. the yj doors will fit. Don't think any mods are needed as the tub dimensions are the same. Maybe diff hinge locations
  19. 69jeepcj

    Jeep cj5 won't fire

    Sounds like the ignition module went out of your HEI. If you take the cap off your distributor you should see a flat black piece held down with two screws, it will have a couple wires and a plug. FIRST make sure you are not getting spark by taking out one of your spark plugs, hook the plug wire...