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  1. Turbogus

    May be coming in to funds to rebuild my T 18

    I am a bit dubious about swapping in an older design of the venerable T18 into my 1978 CJ5, not to say that newer is always better, but this has me concerned.
  2. Turbogus

    May be coming in to funds to rebuild my T 18

    That's great information flatie, I'm hooking this to my Dana 20. I brought the case of my 1980 to work, going to use some engine degreaser on it and see if I can get that dang shaft out at AAMCO. They were kind enough to get me started on this by pulling the front and rear bearings for me for...
  3. Turbogus

    May be coming in to funds to rebuild my T 18

    I saw Youtube video of someone doing that very same shifter cane mod. I like the idea of builing that '80 transmission, but for the expense of purchasing those gears, shifter cane and THEN the conversion shaft and tail.
  4. Turbogus

    May be coming in to funds to rebuild my T 18

    Okay the CL transmission is mine. I'll compare the gears on the mainshaft when I get it home and choose the best for the conversion.
  5. Turbogus

    May be coming in to funds to rebuild my T 18

    Heh, no problem flatie, I've got the Dana 20 transfer case. The craigslist guy up in Portland sent me some pic of the internals of his '68 T18 and it seems to look a damnsight better than mine with regard to the Reverse Idler Gear and 2nd & Low synchronizer ring gear.
  6. Turbogus

    May be coming in to funds to rebuild my T 18

    It's a 1980 Ford 2wd flatie
  7. Turbogus

    May be coming in to funds to rebuild my T 18

    Cool! Thanks so much flattie! This has been a long languishing project for me because I ran out of money. With the sale of my motorcycle though I came in to some funds to get going on this. The disassembly went pretty easily until this point. I have a line on a clean (on the outside) 1968 T18 up...
  8. Turbogus

    May be coming in to funds to rebuild my T 18

    What do you guys think of this idea to remove the reverse idler shaft?
  9. Turbogus

    May be coming in to funds to rebuild my T 18

    Well I stopped by NAPA to see if there was a shorter or longer drift but all they had was 6" or 8". I got a 6" in hopes of having clearance in the case for the drift and mallet but it was too tight. I tried doubling up the two drifts and I did get a few good strong smacks but for lack of...
  10. Turbogus

    May be coming in to funds to rebuild my T 18

    I'm seeing gears from and their prices seem resonable, has anyone used these guys? I looking at Second (&1st) Synchrozizer gear, reverse idler gear and countershaft aft gear or complete assy.
  11. Turbogus

    May be coming in to funds to rebuild my T 18

    The Tremec book mentions an angle drift to remove the reverse idler shaft, but I've never seen one of these; I did get the gears on a 1" dowell so to keep them and their orientation correct.
  12. Turbogus

    May be coming in to funds to rebuild my T 18

    Made a little progress at work, I brought the tub from home and the el cheapo snap ring pliers and had at it. Luckily it all came apart without too much difficulty. Apparently I have to use some sort of angle drift to tap out the reverse idler shaft. Going to see what I can find. Unless I can...
  13. Turbogus

    May be coming in to funds to rebuild my T 18

    There may be detractors of my building this T18 with the non synchro'd 1st gear, but I figure if I ever need compound low, I'd have to stop, get out and lock the hubs anyway.
  14. Turbogus

    May be coming in to funds to rebuild my T 18

    Got the mainshaft gear assembly out of the case and the input shaft which was a small PITA on account of the length of the mainshaft and case clearances The input gear (that matches the length of the AMC 360 input) seem to be in good shape but the rear end of the countershaft and the...
  15. Turbogus

    Emergency Brake

    Dang JPn, I'm sorry for your trouble, If it's not the radiator it's something else, geeze. I guess you'll just have to do some periodic maintenance with some LPS or other rust inhibitor. Way out west they use cinder and while it's not corrosive, it breaks down into a very fine dust that colgs up...
  16. Turbogus

    T 18 Mainshaft diameter

    Would anyone know the approximate O.D. of the mainshaft on a T18. I'm going to make a disassembly/reassembly jig.
  17. Turbogus

    May be coming in to funds to rebuild my T 18

    At least I found THIS article that addresses the removal of the gear set, which is where I'm at now. Meanwhile I re-read the Moses Ludel rebuild book and he offer's some additional photographs so I thnk I...
  18. Turbogus

    May be coming in to funds to rebuild my T 18

    Well, time has gone past since my thread of asking how practical it was to rebuild this Ford T18that I got a few years ago. I've come into some funds and from what I can see what with the front and rear main bearings removed, I just have to...
  19. Turbogus

    Master Cylinder lid leaks

    Got the brakes bled with my trusty little Harbor Freight brake bleeder, worked pretty good as long as the resivoir stays vertical. I noticed the hold down on the BSM lid was a much tighter fit than the old one but since the other one was crusty I thought no harm in proceeding. Didn't have a...
  20. Turbogus

    Radiator Bomb

    Wow I've got one of those plastic radiators on 'BBB' I hope it doesn't blow like this!