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  1. Turbogus

    Dash wireing.

  2. Turbogus

    Turbogus' long slow Team Rush upgrade

    Thanks Terry, I fired off a PM to him. Have a great weekend!
  3. Turbogus

    Turbogus' long slow Team Rush upgrade

    Hmmm I ran a search for XJ Reaper in the Username but came up zilch. Are they in another forum?
  4. Turbogus

    Turbogus' long slow Team Rush upgrade

    I just bought a Standard Blue Streak FD 478 coil and hopefully 'Black Betty' will be on the road again soon. :)
  5. Turbogus

    Turbogus' long slow Team Rush upgrade

    On the first wire I tried for cylinder #1 it got roached to the point that it was too short. The good folks at MSD though siad they'd send me a new wire cut to length and all set up. These guys are on my 'great' list.
  6. Turbogus

    Turbogus' long slow Team Rush upgrade

    This is Important When stripping the wire to expose the conductive strands it is nesessary when pulling the outer shielding from the wire to be pushing the core oppositely. The reason for this is the core strands are so tightly enclosed by the inner sleeve it can become unraveled leaving you to...
  7. Turbogus

    What brand of brake pads do you use?

    Whenever I've done brake work I've always relied on Raybestos but I'm sure there's many other opinions. :)
  8. Turbogus

    Turbogus' long slow Team Rush upgrade

    Yep, I was better served by using the method I used on those old school Accel wires, with a steady hand and a razor blade.
  9. Turbogus

    Turbogus' long slow Team Rush upgrade

    ...another tip: When stripping the wire using the sizing crimping block included in the Universal Set use extra caution NOT to cut the Helically wound copper alloy conductor #8 I found out the hard way and ruined two wires.
  10. Turbogus

    Turbogus' long slow Team Rush upgrade

    I finally got through to the MSD Tech line and it is the silver double crimp for the Cap-a-dapt caps. One thing not mentioned in the instructions was the wire labels ~ Note: It's much easier to slip these on before crimping the terminals on.
  11. Turbogus

    Turbogus' long slow Team Rush upgrade

    So opening the kit I found two styles of crimp terminals; These terminals are described as the bronze colored Standard, and the silver colored Dual Crimp I'm using the MSD Cap-a-Dapt and I believe the 90* Dual Crimp is what I shound be using, or could I be wrong?
  12. Turbogus

    Turbogus' long slow Team Rush upgrade

    I got the MSD wires yesterday and I brought the Accel No.1 wire with me to work. I'm used to the Accel crimper and this one from MSD is a little different. Going to figure it out today and then get on to the rest of the wiring.
  13. Turbogus

    Turbogus' long slow Team Rush upgrade

    Thanks Terry :)
  14. Turbogus

    Turbogus' long slow Team Rush upgrade

    Dang wrong pic, again! I gotta tell you Terry, this had me knocked down a few times on the 23rd, had to lay flat on my back behind the counter. Then I'd be good again for about 20 minutes then down again I went. Finally made it in to the Doc got some Flexorell and Aleve but that didn't do a...
  15. Turbogus

    Turbogus' long slow Team Rush upgrade

    Looks like those wires are getting here soon, and thank Heavens my back is doing better. :D
  16. Turbogus

    Turbogus' long slow Team Rush upgrade

    Well it looks as though this long upgrade will be even longer. I hurt my back at work again on Friday so I'm moving very slow. The wires are due this friday, I hope I'm better by then.​
  17. Turbogus

    Turbogus' long slow Team Rush upgrade

    Holy Schneiglies! It's been a while since I price spark plug wires, MSD from $106?!? I found a set on EBay for $68, down from Impossible to Improbable, I guess.
  18. Turbogus

    Turbogus' long slow Team Rush upgrade

    I found it kind of odd that while all of the wire terminals in that MSD Cap are brass the coil connector appears to be bi-metal aluminum. Perhaps a change of design by MSD?
  19. Turbogus

    Turbogus' long slow Team Rush upgrade

    I test fit the dingus and those measurements translated well; It fit so well, I installed the Adapter and it seems I'm on my way. :)
  20. Turbogus

    Turbogus' long slow Team Rush upgrade

    It may not be pretty but with my fumbling fingers, this is what I came up with; If I'm not burnt out from work I may try this dingus tonight.