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  1. Turbogus

    Please Help - Strange 12v relay issue

    Even if I returned to the Flösser 140/90 H4's I note that I'm only pushing a little over 23 Amps which is well within the limits of the relays that I am using.
  2. Turbogus

    Please Help - Strange 12v relay issue

    This is an approximation of the wiring; I have a bag of relays from the other projects over the years. the ones I'm using now are 40 amp that I purchased new last year. I'm beginning to suspect the light switch but, I may go with a foot dimmer before this is over. Sorry for my indelicacy...
  3. Turbogus

    Please Help - Strange 12v relay issue

    Okay grounds are solid and I found that one of the headlights had the wiring reversed for ground and hi beam. Also different wattages of H4. They are working now when switching from Lo to Hi beam there's no issue, but switching back from Hi to Lo beam and they don't reset to Lo unless I cycle...
  4. Turbogus

    Please Help - Strange 12v relay issue

    Thanks for chiming in JpN, hope you've been keeping well. I'm going to check the grounds this afternoon. Also After I went to bed I was thinking about this and it occurred to me that the headlights on This setup may be on a fused circuit. On 'Black Betty' they're using the same PDB.
  5. Turbogus

    Please Help - Strange 12v relay issue

    I've wired up my other DD with relays as I've done with so many vehicles over the years including my '78 CJ5 'Black Betty'. The trouble that I'm having is with verified wiring to/from the Ford PDB I'm using is initially I have 12 output availablefor low beams. Then suddenly 3v down to 1.8v WTF...
  6. Turbogus

    New softop is a bit baggy

    I know of a guy on another forum that with his fiberglass tub the profile left his front roll bar higher that the windshield, I bet he wouldn't mind as a stop gap to have a slightly baggy top. :p
  7. Turbogus

    Ignition Help - 77 CJ5

    Any progress?
  8. Turbogus

    Please read very important !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Re: 1054589 back in '67 our late great governor Tom McCall had a fight on his hands over beach access. I was young but remember the ongoing flap a decade later but knew how beneficial it was and is.How Oregon almost lost public access to its beaches | Offbeat Oregon History
  9. Turbogus

    Anyone else stuck at home?

    From day one of my furlough, (I drive a bus) I dedicated myself to projects. 1. Got the fog lights working again on Black Betty 2. Got the driving/off road lights working again 3. Moved the radio antenna so it wouldn't be infulenced by the larger rear tire 4. Did the headlight conversion on my...
  10. Turbogus

    Ignition Help - 77 CJ5

    This link; I-6 'TeamRush Upgrade' (definitive) - REPAIRED Link version - has helped lot of folks in a similar predicament.
  11. Turbogus


    ...or a Jeep bondyard, bummer that Mac's is now closed. Godspeed Mac!
  12. Turbogus


  13. Turbogus

    CJ7 Stereo/Sound System

    As for me, ever since the original Pioneer Supertuner came out I've been hooked as their receivers really reach out. As a benchmark living in the central Willamette valley in Oregon, if a head unit could pull in KGON up in Portland (88 miles away) I figured it was great! Ever since I've stuck...
  14. Turbogus

    Need an Education !

    Hey IWant, I can dig your post about wanting to stick with old school points ignition, but for the advances over the years breakerless ignitions are much better. Black Betty is an old '78 running the Ford EEC 1 that I also found in my '81 Ford panel van. So I'm guessing that they're rather...
  15. Turbogus

    Battery Charging

    Thanks so much JPN, I was that one the other day too. :-) At first I thought it may be the bridge retifier but using my multi meter the Ohms & Voltage checked out, it may be a switch on the PSB that's the cause but in the meantime I was able to find my old Battery Tender Plus that I used to...
  16. Turbogus

    Battery Charging

    I ran a voltage test on the newest and it was charging at 5.28V, the older one at 2.59V I'm thinking there's burned out diodes in these guys that I may be able to repair, if'n I can find my no. 1 phillips, and get the parts from or somewhere.
  17. Turbogus

    Battery Charging

    Howdy all, I've since got a Schumaker battery charger for my charging needs to replace a pair of NAPA 85-323A chargers. This isn't the right forum I think but given all of the work done in this section I thought it may be appropriate. These 85-323A's seem to continue charging without going...
  18. Turbogus

    What did you do to your Jeep today?

    Got the aforementioned off road lights aligned, had to tweak the brackets as they were aimed to close forward. Also remounted my 102" whip antenna for my radio as once I got into '32 inch tires the antenna was resting against the spare.
  19. Turbogus

    What did you do to your Jeep today?

    After several months got the off road and for lights working again. Bad ground on the off road lights and on the latter when I installed the single DIN Pioneer head unit into the dash I knocked the connector off of the switch... Of course I traced the entire wiring harness for the lights before...