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  1. Turbogus

    Motor timing 180* out?

    O2 sensor
  2. Turbogus

    1997 TJ stalling sputtering and backfiring when warm

    My O2 sensor connection, Weird?
  3. Turbogus

    foglight wiring

  4. Turbogus

    78 cj-5 brake issue

    X3 Mine from NAPA went right in
  5. Turbogus

    Motor timing 180* out?

    The new CS144
  6. Turbogus

    Motor timing 180* out?

  7. Turbogus

    Motor timing 180* out?

  8. Turbogus

    Motor timing 180* out?

    the alternator plug
  9. Turbogus

    Motor timing 180* out?

  10. Turbogus

    Motor timing 180* out?

    owing to the dedicated ground strap from the alternator to the negative battery terminal
  11. Turbogus

    Motor timing 180* out?

  12. Turbogus

    Motor timing 180* out?

  13. Turbogus

    May be coming in to funds to rebuild my T 18

    Got the outer case degreased with Gunk Engine Degreaser and it worked pretty good. Moved the transmission back to the tall freight cart for disassembly, got the shifter off and saved the pin in a ziplock bag, the shift control housing is off and it's bolts are baggied. The snap ring came off...
  14. Turbogus

    May be coming in to funds to rebuild my T 18

    With the help of my janitor honcho at work we got this '68 T18 up on the freight cart and it langushed there all week. If I can remove the rest of the stuff from this cart I 'm hoping to degrease the case on this too, like I did the '80 case before I begin work.
  15. Turbogus

    May be coming in to funds to rebuild my T 18

    Thanks flatie, by now I've got a couple of brass drifts and that 5 lb. cross pien has served me well over the years. I'll give it a shot once I get some help getting it out of the truck and onto a freight cart where I can begin working on it. Unrelated to this transmission I hurt my lower back...
  16. Turbogus

    May be coming in to funds to rebuild my T 18

    So far so good flatie. I'm going to check at Gary's shop to see if he has a clamshell bearing puller that I can borrow. I don't really want to buy one, even if it's a deal at HF for this one time use, and I think I've pestered Phil at Aamco enough by now.
  17. Turbogus

    May be coming in to funds to rebuild my T 18

    Picked up the '68 T18 and after an inspection I bought it for the asking price of $150. My 1980 T18 I was looking at abount $250 just for the gears + a T18 shifter cane THEN converting it to my Dana 20.
  18. Turbogus

    Recovery bag items

    .... and a finely made Oregon built... Leatherman. :D
  19. Turbogus

    May be coming in to funds to rebuild my T 18

    The local AAMCO shop did me right again, they were able to get that dang shaft out by pushing it in ?!? Apparently on this T18 the Reverse Idler Shaft is not tapered. They pulled it for free! Headed to Portland tomorrow to take a look at a '68 T18 that looks prettry clean. May be the answer as...
  20. Turbogus

    May be coming in to funds to rebuild my T 18

    I cleaned up the case inside and out with engine degreaser before taking it over to our local AAMCO to get that dang shaft out. They said they'll hot tank it for me too. Be ready in a couple of days, in case that CL T18 in Portland is no good.