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  1. GenRight Off Road

    Lots of new stuff in the GenRight Closeout Section!!

    Lights, seats, coilovers. All kinds of good stuff in the Closeout Section!! Closeout Cheap Jeep Parts Accessories Spare Used Discounted OEM Stock Parts
  2. GenRight Off Road

    GenRight Discount Code

    This code is till valid. Keep it in mind when doing your holiday shopping!! GRCHRISH saves you 10%
  3. GenRight Off Road

    GenRight's Black Friday Deals!

    Deals apply to WEB ORDERS ONLY- our sales staff will be out of the office! And see more specials here! You really should click on this link! One sale example is the new JKU cage for $1999.99!! That's $750 off! 2014 Black Friday Deals!
  4. GenRight Off Road

    GenRight has some great deals on Raceline wheels right now!

    I really want a set of these Avengers. Please buy them before I make a bad decision!! We still have some of these Racelines left at great prices! Don't you deserve the Christmas present you want??!!
  5. GenRight Off Road

    New Program from GenRight and Free Shipping!

    Jeeps are expensive. We get that. So many folks build their Jeep up over time. That makes sense. With our new program, you have all the time you need to earn rewards!! Brand New Customer Loyalty and Referral Program We're rolling out a brand new customer loyalty and referral program just in...
  6. GenRight Off Road

    Free Shipping from GenRight!!

    I think the picture says it all. this special is good on our JKU cages, new gas tanks and and all of our aluminum products! What will you get? Let me know if you have any questions!
  7. GenRight Off Road

    If you wheel, you should have a cage

    We recently got an email from a customer who had just ordered and installed one of GenRight's YJ cages. Ironically, the guy who welded in the cage was sitting in the back seat when the roll occurred. Check out the pics. The caged made it through the roll better than the Jeep did. Everyone is...
  8. GenRight Off Road

    GenRight has some great deals on Raceline wheels right now!

    We ordered a bunch of Raceline beadlocks and got some special pricing. We're passing the savings on! I can't post them, you'll have to call. We even have the new Raceline Avengers on sale!! This deal is only good until 10/31!
  9. GenRight Off Road

    GenRight's Tony Pellegrino substituting for Jessi Combs this weekend!

    October 9, 2014 – In the wake of an unfortunate motorcycle accident that left her injured, Jessi Combs’ has asked Tony Pellegrino to take the wheel of her Falken Tire spec car, #4703, at the Ultra4 nationals in Reno, NV October 17 – 18. Tony running this event for Jessi will keep her and Team...
  10. GenRight Off Road

    GenRight's new JKU Cage is now available to preorder!

    Hopefully these pics will answer some questions. These are some of the biggest dudes we could find: Yes, our cage works with both factory soft and hard tops: WE will have the Triton Jeep, with a freshly powdercoated cage, on display at the Off Road Expo in October so you can...
  11. GenRight Off Road

    GenRight Discount Code

    This code is still valid. Let us know what you ordered!
  12. GenRight Off Road

    New Gas Tanks from GenRight Off Road

    Sure, if you click on the link in my original post, you'll see a few different JK products. Each product has pics and a detailed description.
  13. GenRight Off Road

    New Gas Tanks from GenRight Off Road

    GenRight's first product was a YJ gas tank. Tony was wheeling his YJ and the gas tank was becoming the limiting factor of his suspension. So he designed and built his own gas tank. Others saw it and asked for one and GenRight was born. It's been several years since we have updated our YJ and...
  14. GenRight Off Road

    August GenRight 4x4 Nights!

    What did I miss?
  15. GenRight Off Road

    GenRight will be at Rausch Creek for Topless for Tatas!

    Tony is there now and I'll be there tomorrow. So look for the RV and come check out our booth on Friday at Rausch Creek Off Road Park. And looks for us on the trails! Tony and Jordan Pellegrino will be in Terremoto: My name is Chris and Ill be out on the trails with my kids Mia...
  16. GenRight Off Road

    GenRight's new JKU Cage is now available to preorder!

    The first batch of cages has been delivered. And we installed one in our Triton JK build. And don't forget to use code "grchrish" to get 10% off any web order of GenRight products over $50.
  17. GenRight Off Road

    August GenRight 4x4 Nights!

    [/url][/IMG] GenRight will be having our nationwide 4x4 nights in just less than 2 weeks!. You don't have to have any GenRight parts on your Jeep and no one is going to try to sell you anything. These events a chance to get together with other folks in your area and check out their rigs...
  18. GenRight Off Road

    Product Stuff, Event Stuff, Discounts: All Kinds of News from GenRight!

    I have so much to share I'm just going to put it all in here!! First, the good news. We are all caught up back at the shop. We have been slammed all year between our new aluminum products, our King of The Hammers run and all of our travels business has been good. We haven't been able to...
  19. GenRight Off Road

    GenRight is all over the place the next few weeks!

    Right now, most of our folks are still in Reno at the Silver State Jamboree, but Corey Osborne hopped on a flight yesterday and flew to the east coast. he'll be attending the PA Jeeps show this weekend. Look for this guy and tell him Chris said hello: Here's more info...
  20. GenRight Off Road

    GenRight Discount Code

    Tell us what you ordered!