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  1. Utah_jeepster

    What did you do to your Jeep today?

    Another bored machinist project. Made some roll bar clamps for the high lift jack. Mounted the jack and the quick pull fire extinguisher.
  2. Utah_jeepster

    Funny picture thread!

    I had a good thought, but lost it last weekend.
  3. Utah_jeepster

    Funny picture thread!

  4. Utah_jeepster

    Coolant Mystery

    Give the man a cigar. Replace your rad cap, and make sure its a 18lb cap.
  5. Utah_jeepster

    2.5 l hesitating

    Picture of wires location if you can get one. Would love to know what it was.
  6. Utah_jeepster

    jeep will not move in any gear!

    ruh roh, with an automatic trans and the transfer case in 2hi, you should be able to turn your front drive shaft and wheels while there in the air. that tells me something in the transfer case is sticking... If the tires dont turn, disconnect the drive line and see if the tires turn. No turn...
  7. Utah_jeepster

    2.5 l hesitating

    Like I said a leak somewhere take it to an auto shop that has a smoke machine and have them run a smoke test for possible leaks somewhere. Should run around 25 to completely eliminate that possibility.
  8. Utah_jeepster

    Last person to comment wins $20

    once you buy something else it will be hard to get back into one...
  9. Utah_jeepster

    Man it's cold!

    Man it was cold the other night.....
  10. Utah_jeepster

    Ford Exec: 'We Know Everyone Who Breaks The Law' Thanks To Our GPS In Your Car

    scary thought....your phone has GPS...NSA has access to your phone... Shhhhhh don't say anything....
  11. Utah_jeepster

    2.5 l hesitating

    Possible a vacuum leak. doing a leak down test?
  12. Utah_jeepster

    jeep will not move in any gear!

    automatic or standard? Temp over night? Start with lifting the front end up and seeing of the tires move. not sure if we are dealing with a locked up front end due to cold or a transmission problem.
  13. Utah_jeepster

    Man it's cold!

    Just to throw little gas on the ole was frigging cold here....68 burrrrrrrr.
  14. Utah_jeepster

    2011 Wrangler Fire

    A couple of questions here, were you in 4 low? Aired down any?
  15. Utah_jeepster

    Death ray spider-bot

    double the voltage and mount it on a jeep?
  16. Utah_jeepster

    Last person to comment wins $20

    My news surprise Broken air line
  17. Utah_jeepster

    Funny picture thread!

  18. Utah_jeepster

    Furst car as a 13 year old

    With this crowd, expect 'a jeep' as an answer. LOL With 4 grand you get a good solid jeep as an starting foundation. I would say a good early model wrangler 97 and up could be had , since the JKs are all the rage now. A quick trip over to JP magazine's web site you can find an article named...
  19. Utah_jeepster

    Funny picture thread!

    I would put that down as TMI.
  20. Utah_jeepster

    Last person to comment wins $20

    welcome to the late night crew