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  1. M

    Binding front brake

    Thanks for the suggestions. I think, rather than go through the hassle of bleeding the brakes twice I will simply change the hoses and save some time. Unfotunately at the end of the day I'll never know what cured the problem, but if it does that's good news.
  2. M

    Binding front brake

    Today I have stripped and checked the RHS front and again the piston is OK and works smoothly. The pads are all less then half worn. I put new shoes on the back last month so they are OK, wheel cylinders clean and dry. It's beginning to look more like the hoses. To my knowledge they have never...
  3. M

    Binding front brake

    Once again my Cherokee XJ (non ABS) has thrown up an odd problem. Yesterday when I got home the front LH brake was very hot and almost burning. The RH one was fine. Today I jacked it up to check it out and there was no sign of any binding. My first thought was the master cylinder not letting...
  4. M

    Wrangler TJ wheel hub / bearing assembly replacement

    Thanks for your help. When comparing the XJ to the Range Rover there is nothing in common except they are 4 x 4s. My XJ was built in Toledo South Plant, Ohio in 1994. It spent its early life in Japan where they do not keep cars for long. It was then imported to the UK when I bought it from...
  5. M

    Wrangler TJ wheel hub / bearing assembly replacement

    Hi Terry Thanks for the advice. I shall have to trawl the dreaded internet as local suppliers don't recognise Timken numbers. Initial searches show many variants, so I'll have to be careful with the numbers. Just for info I have attached the Range Rover steering hub. The bearing bore is about...
  6. M

    Wrangler TJ wheel hub / bearing assembly replacement

    Hello, I'm not sure if this is where I am supposed to type, but here goes. I don't understand Trackbacks or parsing. Are you sure that it is legal?????!! I have a 1995 XJ with a slight rumble from the front RHS which could be a bearing. I am familiar with the Range Rover set up (2 opposing big...
  7. M

    Fuse panel identification

    Hi, I have a 1994 Cherokee XJ 4lit RHD and I would like some help in finding what the fuses in the internal fuse panel do. I have searched far and wide to identify the panel as it seems different to all the pictures I can find. I have attached a pic below. There seem to be a lot of empty slots...
  8. M

    Engine shutting down

    I think I have solved the problem. In the end it was a simple mod. There is a switched feed to the Tartarini control module that was taken from the coil. I suspected that being close to the coil it could be picking up stray spikes or other electronic interference. As a trlal I have moved this...
  9. M

    Engine shutting down

    Hi, I welcome any suggestions, thank you. I have got plenty of propane in he tanks and have opened the connections to check it's getting through and the solenoid valves are all operating OK, there are 4 of them. One on each tank, one under the hood and one on the vapouriser. All 4 operate...
  10. M

    Engine shutting down

    Since posting the first bit I have done some simple tests. After the engine stops I can hear the gas (propane) valves shut off the flow of gas. This happens about 2-3 seconds AFTER the engine stops. By wiring a lamp into the output from the shut down relay the power remains on for those 3...
  11. M

    Engine shutting down

    Hello, I hope someone can resolve a problem I have been living with for a long time. I have two Cherokee XJs both of which have Tatarini Tec 97 LPG (propane/autogas) conversions, one is 1994 and the other 1996, both have the same problem. With these conversions the engine always starts on petrol...