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  1. TwistedCU

    I have just three words for you

    Jeep still broke :(
  2. TwistedCU

    Is there a chance?

    I dumped my TDI (turbo diesel) Jetta because of the change in diesel fuel. I experienced an insignificant 3-4 mpg loss in fuel economy, but the biggest beef I had was the lack of sulphur in the new fuel takes away from the greatest asset of a diesel engine - longevity. The sulphur acts as a...
  3. TwistedCU

    Does it really matter?

    I saw that. He consistantly and effectively detroys their attemts to make him look like a kook. It is disturbing the silence of the other candidates after he speaks. They dare not take him on as they know he will make mincemeat of them. If only he would acknowledge that an all out and...
  4. TwistedCU

    Does it really matter?

    On one hand, I want to elect Ron Paul. The man is the only candidate who even understands economics and he is the only one acknowledging the crisis our country is in financially. He is the only one who is willing to point out how venerable we are with our troops abroad. He is truly a patriot...
  5. TwistedCU

    yj half doors? how much used?

    On ebay you should expect to pay at least $400, maybe much more for ones with pristine paint or rare colors.
  6. TwistedCU

    help me please- desperately need info on the 4.2l I6

    Noit much(less than the later 4.0L), but they have a respectable amount of torque (more than ther later 4.0L). Sorry I don't remember the specs, but that info is all over the web.
  7. TwistedCU

    Question for you law enforcement members...

    Here's the thing... you admit it was your fault, right? Sounds like option B is the way to go. You plead guilty, pay the ticket, go to a class, and then after doing the "right thing" you, your driving record, and your concience are free and clear. Did you admit fault at the scene? If tthe...
  8. TwistedCU

    Tires rubbing...

    For 35's on an XJ you'll need to cut fenders and get a taller long-arm suspension to do it right.
  9. TwistedCU

    kNOw Where 2Jeep 411

    Do you have a brick and mortar store?
  10. TwistedCU

    Barack Hussein Obama

    Although the "test" from that link said Hunter, I would probably vote for Huckabee if I had to vote today. Thankfully, I don't have to vote today. Despite all the rhetoric to the contrary, I think Huck is the most conservative candidate that has any hope of winning it all. I also like that he...
  11. TwistedCU

    Barack Hussein Obama

    video and flag incident aside, he still belongs to a church who has a non-negotiable committment to Africa. I hope he wins the primary. He'll get toasted in the general.
  12. TwistedCU

    I own 26 Jeeps now...

    Or not... :lol:
  13. TwistedCU

    Barack Hussein Obama

    I don't give a hoot about his politics. The man is clearly a member of a segragatory organization and shows through his membership of the TUCC and his lack of acknowledging our flag that he is no patriot. Comparing him to John Kennedy? PLEASE!!! You imply I am being unreasonable, fearful...
  14. TwistedCU

    Barack Hussein Obama

    Let me guess.... Ron Paul for you? It was Duncan Hunter for me.
  15. TwistedCU

    Barack Hussein Obama

    What do you think the media would do to a guy like McCain if they said they belonged to an exclusively white church that claimed a non-negotiable committment to another country?
  16. TwistedCU

    Barack Hussein Obama

    On Oprah, Barack Hussein Obama announced that he is a member of the Trinity United Church of Christ. I was pretty shocked when a friend of mine sent me a link to their website's "about us" page. Unashamedly black? We are an African people? True to our Native land? A non-negotiable...
  17. TwistedCU

    Happy Birthday Mingez?

    Happy belated birthday ya pinko!
  18. TwistedCU

    4" long arm $418???

    That's mispriced. They have had mistakes liek that before. They don't last long.
  19. TwistedCU

    New military jeep

    Body styles include a four-door and a two-door pickup. Two door pickup.... I'm not holding my breath. What's the deal with them being made in Egypt!??!?!? I'm not buying a Jeep made in Egypt.