Recent content by jrodsair

  1. jrodsair

    Jeep run

    Nastionable sea shore anyone? I'd like to see if any Jeepz wanna take a ride from Corpus for a weekend ride. Let me know.
  2. jrodsair

    Jeep run

    Any jeep runs in the forecast for south Texas Jeepsters? My CJ is ready and would like to head to the national sea shore if anyone in the south Texas coastal area wants to hook up. Let know, a little sand and fun with some fishing action if anyone is interested for the ride. Thanks,
  3. jrodsair

    This is going to be difficult.

    That bites!! It's pricy if you take it to a shop. A friend had the same issue down here in south Texas coastal area. A beach jeep. We fabricated some frame sections out of angle iron and flat steel on the bench in my garage and did some welding. he sand blasted it and we tacked it all back...
  4. jrodsair

    Xmission fluid

    I just noticed my CJ is leaking transmission Fluid from the gasket on the forward side. It's a 1980 CJ 7 Straight 6er 4 speed manual. I just got done fixing the rear seal and mounts on the transfer case thanks to super J. How Much work am I looking at to replace the gasket??? Any takes?
  5. jrodsair

    Rear transmission mount.

    Thanks super J, I can always count on you for a reply. I didn't know what I was doing but now I think I got it figured out. Thanks,
  6. jrodsair

    Rear transmission mount.

    Yeah it does. I found the transmission bolts in the mid on top of the skid plate. Seems they worked them selves out. New mount, and let's see I'd I can get it back together. The bud light platinums are talking to me. Lol, well back at it. Let ya know how it turns out.
  7. jrodsair

    Rear transmission mount.

    MY 1980 CJ 7 transmission is just sitting on a channel that is mounted to the skid plate. Is this normal??? Is is just suppose to sit on it and glide left to right?
  8. jrodsair

    Transfer case fluid

    Good morning, the skid plate is mounted. And the only thing holding t case is that bolt the is stripped. It also has a channel that keeps it in place from moving forward and aft. On the bottom of the t case on the forward side between the skip plate are three threaded holes and nothing it bolted...
  9. jrodsair

    Transfer case fluid

    Thanks folks. It's worse than I thought. I pulled the plug and had nothing in it. Well just a glimpse. But I was noticing lots lot fluid and dirt build up and as I leaned on the drive shaft, the whole thing slid about 3/8 of an inch. Side ways!!! The long bolt with the rubber bushings that's...
  10. jrodsair

    Transfer case fluid

    Ones anyone know how to check the level of the transfer case fluid on a 1980 CJ 7?? It has the inline 6 with a four speed manual. It appears that mine is leaking, slow leak from the small back plate. Any suggestions or remedies??
  11. jrodsair

    Air Bubbles in Power Steering

    Thanks. I was determined to get the lines in without any removals. All I needed was that extra hand to twist and hold the hose in the right position. I had both lines removed and got both put on. It was challenging never having done it before. But I got it. I did bleed it as you said in it had...
  12. jrodsair

    Air Bubbles in Power Steering

    Thanks folks. But right now I can't even get the line to thread. It kicked my wheels all evening!! I cussed, screamed and even poured out my brew. It's a pain to replace. So tonight I'll have a little help holding the new pressure line in position. Some jeepsters at work said I must remove the...
  13. jrodsair

    Air Bubbles in Power Steering

    I'm replacing my pressure line on my power steering pump. Will I have to purge it?
  14. jrodsair

    Hard Top CJ7 or Wrangler $300

    <removed by terry>
  15. jrodsair

    Hard Top CJ7 or Wrangler $300

    I tried to reply to the message and send my ## but it says not Enough post or some Crap like that. I'm new on this bro.