Recent content by jeepin_idaho

  1. J


    Hey guys, I'd love to have everyone check out the latest episode of The 4x4 Podcast. In this episode, I tell my story of my experience at the Baja 1000. I was sponsored by Hero Offroad which is a non-profit organization that's mission is to say thank you to...
  2. J


    Hey guys, just wanted to give you a heads up that Episode 19 of The 4x4 Podcast is ready for download featuring an interview with
  3. J


    Episode 13 has been released! Featuring an interview with Clay Croft from Expedition Overland! The 4×4 Podcast » Episode 13 – Interview with Clay Croft of Be sure to check out too!
  4. J

    Bedslide in a XJ

    So at first I was thinking about building some kind of truck style tail gate to install inside of my XJ. While thinking out the mechanics of the whole thing it hit me! Why don't I just install a bed slide system! It would pull out and provide me the camp cooking surface that I want and it...
  5. J

    Custom vinyl decals

    I'm looking at getting some stickers made for my Jeep to help publicize the show. I'll send you a pm with the details. Dan Sent from my Galaxy Nexus
  6. J

    Rear disc conversion ford 9"

    I already have the line lock, distribution block, tubing and the bender. Maybe I'll give it a try! I'd like to see how yours is setup and installed. Sent from my Galaxy Nexus
  7. J

    Rear disc conversion ford 9"

    Does it hold once you turn off the ignition? Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
  8. J

    Rear disc conversion ford 9"

    I would love to see how you have that setup! Do you have a manual lock or an electronic system? If its manual, how do you have the plumbing routed to where its accessible from the driver's seat? I've totally wanted to do this too as right now, I'm rolling without an e-brake....YIKES!
  9. J

    Rear disc conversion ford 9"

    When doing this conversion, don't forget to consider your parking/e- brake! Lots of times people will forget about that till they are knew deep in the process. Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
  10. J


    Well you can't be all that far behind the're on this forum and you've figured out how to post! ;)
  11. J

    airing down

    You could safely go down to about 15-20. Any lower than that and you'll start to run the risk of popping the bead. Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
  12. J


    Episode 12 of The 4x4 Podcast is ready for download! The 4×4 Podcast » Episode 12 – Buying a Used 4×4 This episode's topic is "Buying a Used 4x4"
  13. J

    teraflex revolvers anyone using them

    They make axle wrap even worse too. tons of flex though! Dan Sent from my Galaxy Tab
  14. J

    New Years Offroading Resolutions

    I sure did! Thanks for calling it in! You can cal the consol anytime if you have XJ questions. Our any other questions our comments for that matter! Dan Sent from my Galaxy Tab
  15. J

    New Years Offroading Resolutions

    Hey everyone, just wanted to let you know that episode 11 of The 4x4 Podcast is ready to download! The 4×4 Podcast » Episode 11 – New Years Offroading Resolutions And be sure to hop over to The 4x4 Podcast | Facebook and tell me what you think of the show!