Recent content by jakejeeper

  1. J

    what did i just buy?

    i just bought a new to me jeep tub. i am hoping to put it on my yj but not sure if its the same. the roll bar is the same but the hole for the gas filler neck is on the driverside like a tj and the holes in the transmission tunnel are also differnt. im trying to track a part number and a serial...
  2. J

    cj exhaust manifold

    I recently got a 83 cj7 with a rebuilt 6 cly and new wireharness. i was looking at the exhaust and noticed there ar 6 bolts ( im asuming one for each cylinder) that were just finger tight. they dont go into the block and are hollow kinda like the bolt that holds a brake line to a caliper. i...
  3. J


  4. J

    Keep 2.5 or trade up to 4.0

    I agree with jonzjeepyj i have a 95 yj that i did the 4.0 swap on and the best way isto get a donnor vehical mine was a 95 xj that had wicked frame rot i got for 400 bucks.i ended up reusung the 4cly wire harnes, radiator and tranfercase shifter assemmbly. u will have to fabricate new motor...
  5. J

    Motor Mount Lift for a Jeep Wrangler

    this is great i think i might get them where did u get yours?
  6. J

    4.0 from xj into yj rio grande

    i have figure out what to do with the harnes turnes out the only difernce in the 4cly and 6 cly engine harness is the extra two injector plugs. i spliced them into the 4cly harness and had to extend a couple plugs but nothing major. but the problem i an having now ith it wont start. if i turn...
  7. J

    Bring Back The Jeep Wave

    im fron ct and here if it has mud on it or if its lifted or modified they will wave nomatter te modle
  8. J

    4.0 from xj into yj rio grande

    my h key is messed up
  9. J

    4.0 from xj into yj rio grande

    just splicing on te right plug wont work because the wires are different so i think i ave to replace underthe das parts witch is te fuseblock and gauges from my donor vehicle is their any other parts im missing?
  10. J

    4.0 from xj into yj rio grande

    dose anyone kow where i can find a wiring harness for a 95 yj with 4.0 and 5 spd trany? i ave called every junkyard in ct and rode island and no luck. cant find a aftermarket one either any info would be great
  11. J

    4.0 from xj into yj rio grande

    alright i swap in the 6 cly over the weekend i made new perches had to modify the transmission mount. I didnt have any clearence problems with the transfercase and cross member but had to switch a peice of the shifting linkage. the problem i am having and am not sure what to do about is the...
  12. J

    4.0 from xj into yj rio grande

    ya according to bounty hunter from the fire wall to mount and from grille to mount would work
  13. J

    4.0 from xj into yj rio grande

    the fuel pump and presure regulator or the same part number so same part acording to atozone so the artical i read must have been wrong now just gotta find another yj to measure!
  14. J

    4.0 from xj into yj rio grande

    that helps i just need to find someone with a 4.0 yj also i read that both the 2.5 and 4.0 both have a fuel preasure of 33 but i will still need to swap the fuel pump for the 4.0? im going to check parts numbers later on today to find out.
  15. J

    4.0 from xj into yj rio grande

    the 4.o is for sure what im going with mostly cuz its in my back yard but thing im still unsure of is how do i locate the new motor mounts? where do measure from . mabey the tramison crossmeber or do i go to the rear axle?