When you say "dead" do you mean it doesn't have any power at all to even turn the starter, or do you mean it just won't turn over but it will try?
If it'll crank, I would make sure that your distro isn't on backwards. Easiest way to do this is to take out the #1 plug and put your thumb over the hole to make it as air tight as you can. While you hold your thumb there have someone on the key to bump the starter just a split second at a time. Once you feel a rush of air push your thumb off from one of the bumps, you know your #1 piston is at the top of the cylinder and is on the COMPRESSION stroke on not on the exhaust stroke. Take the cap off your dirtro and see which point your rotor is lined up with. This is now your new #1 plug. Hook the rest up clockwise from that point being the new #1.
If it's not getting any power at all check the condition of the ground from the block to the firewall and that all the connections on the starter relay are tight to start off with.
If it'll crank, I would make sure that your distro isn't on backwards. Easiest way to do this is to take out the #1 plug and put your thumb over the hole to make it as air tight as you can. While you hold your thumb there have someone on the key to bump the starter just a split second at a time. Once you feel a rush of air push your thumb off from one of the bumps, you know your #1 piston is at the top of the cylinder and is on the COMPRESSION stroke on not on the exhaust stroke. Take the cap off your dirtro and see which point your rotor is lined up with. This is now your new #1 plug. Hook the rest up clockwise from that point being the new #1.
If it's not getting any power at all check the condition of the ground from the block to the firewall and that all the connections on the starter relay are tight to start off with.