Recent content by BigRedRubicon

  1. BigRedRubicon

    Middle/east tennessee

    Check out
  2. BigRedRubicon

    Middle/east tennessee

    Anyone interested in running Windrock Park tomorrow morning let me know. March 2nd.
  3. BigRedRubicon

    What did you do to your Jeep today?

    Installed my WARN VR 8000 winch.
  4. BigRedRubicon

    What did you do to your Jeep today?

    Modified Teraflex RockGuard Bumper and lights.
  5. BigRedRubicon

    Middle/east tennessee

    I ran Hinch Sunday for the first time. Any upcoming trail rides?
  6. BigRedRubicon

    The Knox Off Road Club is running Catoosa and the Nemo Tunnel this Saturday

    We will be meeting at Jack's place at 9:30 leave at 9:45, they have all picnic needs and gas if you need it, address for your GPS is 3297 Airport Rd Rockwood, that is exit#340 off I-40 turn north go 5 miles Jack's is on the right.
  7. BigRedRubicon

    Middle/east tennessee

    I live in Spring City in Rhea County and ride with the Knox Off Road Club. Pretty close.
  8. BigRedRubicon

    Single bar instead of 1/2 or tube doors?

    I just saw a JK drive by that had a single, black bar wrapped with paracord that went from the top hinge to somewhere on the back. Has anyone on here seen where these are available for purchase? They should be less expensive than other option and that's all I really need. Thanks!
  9. BigRedRubicon


    This forum would be much more useful to me if there were separate forums for each Wrangler model.