Recent content by 808CJ7

  1. 808CJ7

    What kind of gun do you have?

    I only have two for now, a bolt action Marlin 22 lr and a lever action Marlin 30-30. Waiting on my permit so I can start building my collection. My family loves to go out plinking. My kids have gotten good at it. There hitting empty shotgun shells at 80 yards with the 22. Here's a pic. of me and...
  2. 808CJ7

    looking or a radiator with these dimentions 24-26 wide 17-18.5 tall

    Being that the tanks are mounted on the side it's most likely a gm radiator. Maybe it came out of the vet that had the motor. Might be worth a look.
  3. 808CJ7

    My new little jeeper

    Congratulations Terry and family! She's beautiful. Be sure and get the Jeep stroller, so she can cruise in style.
  4. 808CJ7

    Border fence hopping

    They should have used a Cj 5, shorter wheelbase would have made it over.
  5. 808CJ7

    Getting ready for Sandy

    You guys on the east coast take care, our prayers are with you. Aloha
  6. 808CJ7

    Weber swap

    Cj's don't have a vacuum disconnect front axle so you just need the ones going to the distributor, brake booster, and the pcv valve.
  7. 808CJ7

    Search for new Jeep....V8 vs L6?

    The inline 6 is a great engine no doubt. But the V8 jeeps that I have driven were flat out awesome. You don't hear guys with V8 Jeeps saying I should have got the I6. Just my opinion. Good luck
  8. 808CJ7

    Carter YF will not start

    Is your engine the f-134? I thought those came with points. We're you able to find an electronic distributor for that engine?
  9. 808CJ7

    Carter YF will not start

    Try taking off the air filter and look down into the carb while pushing the throttle back to see if its squirting fuel. If not it could be a defective accelerator pump. If it is squirting fuel you may want to check the inside of your distributor cap for condensation. When my cj had the stock...
  10. 808CJ7

    Can't ID this axel

    Just my two cents but I wouldn't waste time and money on the two piece axles. There are some good deals online for the much stronger one piece axle shafts. Amazon. com is one of them.
  11. 808CJ7

    My CJ7 was totaled yesterday............

    Glad your ok. You sure the jeep is totaled? Them cj's can take some hits.
  12. 808CJ7

    65 mustang issue ?

    So whoever replaced the clutch didn't bother to check if it was working? It could be the clutch disc is backwards. Hopefully the new clutch didn't get damaged
  13. 808CJ7

    Can't ID this axel

    After you remove the retaining plate it should pop out. A slide hammer usually only takes one or two whacks.
  14. 808CJ7

    Can't ID this axel

    It's an amc 20. All cj's from 76 to 86 had them. The later 86 models came with Dana 44's
  15. 808CJ7

    65 mustang issue ?

    I'm pretty sure it's an electrical problem. Does the engine block have a ground strap running to the body and one to the frame? Since the car has a mechanical linkage, if there is a poor ground somewhere, pressing on the clutch could create a ground connection.