Top Down Yet?

Ok, I know all you southerners have been topless for a while, if not forever, as well as most of you desert-dwellers, but what about the rest of you who actually have to deal with cold winters? Are ya topless yet? We hit 100* this week, and have had 90's since, so I've been semi-topless all week. I have to keep the upper doors on because we've also been dealing with 30-40 mph winds with gusts up to 50 mph, and I just can't stand being blasted in the side of the face with that kind of wind. To be honest, I'm pretty dang sick of the winds we've been having the past couple of weeks. Gives me a heckuva headache, and makes working with sprinkler systems pretty miserable, especially when trying to check heads for coverage. "Yes, Mr. Smith, your sprinkler system is covering the next block down very well, but not a drop is hitting your yard.":purple:

If it could, it would, but I'm parked overnight and driving with all windows down, sunroof open. Top's been down on my mom's Sebring for several days, it has been in the high 70s up here since Monday, today it's 50, but that's still nice enough...

Problem is, it rained last night. A LOT, and while she had the prudence to put her top back up, I didn't think about my Jeep, which is now flooded... But what're you gonna do, carpets needed cleaning anyway :D
Had the top down for the first half of the week, until some big storms started to roll through. We've had constant 70* weather with high of 80*before the storms came through. A lot of people down here have had their tops off, jeeps too.:purple: Man there a lot of tanlines around here :shock:
You betcha! 8) Yesterday hit about 75. I was out at 0800 washing my YJ and wifey's XJ. Ripped off the the top on mine and Debbie and I all of a sudden had a lot of runnin' around to do.;)

Well I have been waiting for the trip down to Moab, as I have said before my group likes to go the week after EJS because of the crowds. We drop down Wednesday for five fun days without the crowds. Last year I rode down in just the safari top and had to drive home in a rain/snow storm with just that...brrrrrr!

Well we are expecting snow on Monday...When will summer reach Utah!
The weather here sucks!! It'll be nice and sunny for a couple hours...then rain non-stop for the rest of the day. Definatly not top-down weather.

Hit 70 this past weekend - top came down, seats (and me) got covered with mud, and nothing broke.

Top down & doors off since last week here in Dayton OH - except for a couple of rains where top had to come back up (but still no doors!).
here in huskerland (nebraska) we had 12 inches of snow about 3 weeks ago. I think most people here are still cautious. I hope to be topless by May Day.

88Wrangles said:
The weather here sucks!! It'll be nice and sunny for a couple hours...then rain non-stop for the rest of the day. Definatly not top-down weather.

I back that up!!
New TJ, first week I own it....... downpours....... day 8 of ownership, drop it off for some body work, 70 & Sunny!!!!!!!!

I get it back Friday......... showers in the forcast!!!!!!!!!!!!