stupid tj, or stupid driver...


New member
Re: body lift problem

ok, i have a problem with my 99 tj... i was doing some offroading., and apparantly a line came loose.. it comes off the back of the front diff where it is then routed over the top towards the front of the jeep... well, i caught it, and with some zip ties, i fed the line up through a hole in the bottom of the grill and secured it ... now i cant figue out where it goes... if it helps i have a sport with the 4.0... can anyone tell me where that line goes? and directions on where that is under the hood.. my jeep has starting making a sucking sound since then, almost like a skip, but it isn't a skip, and i'm guessing that that is a breather line or something, and i'm guessing it goes to the bottom of the intake manifold, but i dont have an ispection mirror on hand to go check that theory...

any help would be appreciated

maybe it's a breather line to the axle... dunno why it would be making a sucking sound though...
Im guessing that its either a breather line to your axle or maybe the 4 wheel drive vac hose? I know on my yj I have a 4 wheel drive vac hose but im not too sure on the TJ's. Try looking around the axle to see where it might go, there should be a hole somewhere under there that It fits in.
oh, one other thing i forogt to mention... before it came loose, it would indicate 4high and 4low depending on which it was in.. it will still go into 4 low no problem, but now it indicates 4high when in 4 low(and still 4 high in 4 high)

RE: What Kind of tires?

still haven't figured out where this line is supposed to go... anyone mind running out to their jeep and tracing this line for me? please????
Your axle vent line should not be attached or connected to anything other than the axle. i don't have a TJ, But the only lines that I could think of going from your axle to anywhere else would be the Diff breather (which in mine goes up to the fire wall) and the break lines. no other hoses unless you have air lockers (which i am gonna assume you don't but if you do, thats what it is) The lite and hiss, suction sound (again unless you have ARB air lockers) has to be unrelated to this mystery hose...

Are you sure that it originally came from the differential? or are you guessing that is where it came from cause when you noticed it thats where it was hanging?

It might be a vacumn line that pulled free and was hanging low near the diff, and a leaky vacumn line could cause the motor to seam like it is skipping, but not neccesarily in a MFI motor. ???

I have way too many questions, if you could, snap a shot of everything and post some pics, might help me a bit!
yea jps right, there arent any lines running to the axle on a tj minus the breather and break lines, good luck, and get a pic up like jps said, then we can pin point it

yeah... it came loose from the end that doesn't go to the diff, the end that is still attached to something is attached to the upper rear of the diff....

i'd go to the jeep dealership, but the one here in town doesn't so much like me anymore.... long story, but they figure if i'm not willing to pay for them to fix something, i should crawl under their jeeps to see how it should look so i can fix it myself... so i'll have to drive 2 hours round trip to the next closest dealer

I went out and snapped a pic of mine for you. It's a 99 too. The hose is the diff vent. You can see it poking up in front of the coolant overflow tank. It runs up the side of the radiator support and is secured in place by a clamp on the support. If you look down beside the radiator you will see the clamp that holds it up there.
