removed stock restrictor cone in air box


New member

I was told that by removing the air flow restrictor cone in the air box would increase hp.

I just wanted to let anyone who was wondering about it, know that it does work. no dramatic changes but when going up hills in my 4 banger, i no longer have to stay in 2 or 3 gear. and I have a little more power from a stand still. If you have any questions or want to know how to do it, email me I took out the one in the back (outlet restrictor), and I am going to take out the one in the front(inlet). I will let ya'll know if and how it helps. take it easy fellas.


i heard it increases hp by around 10horses, but i thought that was on a 4.0[addsig]

it does not change it a tremendous amount on a 2.5L, but it is noticeable. I don't have the machines to measure it with so I can't say an exact amount.[addsig]

Sounds like a great idea. Anybody know if you can do this on a tj? and what kind of results it gets you?




I remove that little snorkle on the front of my airbox when not wheeling, and that seems to help with the 4.0. It just twists down and pops off, pretty easy way to get a couple of highway horses.


you will notice an increase on the hiway.. and a whistle at higher rpm.. but it does work.. and will not ruin your fuel milage... ALSO.. remove that stupid air delfector attached to the air box just behind the head light... if you are crossing any sort of water or driving in a good rain the possibility of getting water in the engine is increased.. remove it and throw it away.. it also opens up the air box hole to allow more air flow... [addsig]

<TABLE BORDER=0 ALIGN=CENTER WIDTH=85%><TR><TD><font class="pn-sub">Quote:</font><HR></TD></TR><TR><TD><FONT class="pn-sub"><BLOCKQUOTE>I remove that little snorkle on the front of my airbox when not wheeling, and that seems to help with the 4.0. It just twists down and pops off, pretty easy way to get a couple of highway horses.


sorry pal... didnt see you posted it already... cheers[addsig]


Nathan, You can do it on a tj... I have one that sounds exactly like yours (except standard). It increased my fuel mileage SLIGHTLY and it does have a little more power... [addsig]

with the time that takes... spend a few bucks and toss on a cone filter... much better improvement[addsig]

Got the cone filter, when I did this, it made it even better (97 TJ 2.5L). On the highway, I usually

had to drop to fourth going over the mountains (Pittsburgh to Baltimore). After I pulled the tube

from the airbox, I was able to stay in fifth the whole way. Definitely gives it a little more punch on

acceleration too.

With the TJs you don't have to remove the airbox, just disconnect the tube going to the filter. Inside

the mouth of the airbox is the restrictor tube (10-12"x diam of mouth). Push the small button on

the neck the filter tube attaches to and pry like hell. If you remove the airbox from the throttlebody,

you can use a screwdriver to push (lever) the tube out from the inside.

So, yes Green, there is a Santa.


Re: 1050246

What does this restrictor look like? Do you have a pic?
What does this restrictor look like? Do you have a pic?

Holly old thread! 😆

The restrict or they talk about is the horn shaped tube that points upwards. Honestly the gain is marginal and only lasts 500 mi as the PCM relearns the Air fuel mixtures.

Why are you interested in this?
I have a 93 2.5L and I am interested in inexpensive power boosts, but your comment sounds like it's not a permanent fix.

I have a 93 2.5L and I am interested in inexpensive power boosts, but your comment sounds like it's not a permanent fix.

If you are running larger tires the best improvement is regearing the axels. Improving airflow in and has marginal gain. Chips don't work either on jeeps. Biggest bang for the buck is a proper tune up. And may be using an e-fan if the engine doesn't have one already. This reduces drag on the engine.
Also consider a 62mm throttle body, Ford 4-port injectors, adjustable fuel pressure regulator, performance cam, header, etc. It's a never-ending list. 4Bangers United is where many of us 2.5L owners feed our addiction.
Yea remember he said inexpensive. It would be interesting to get some dollars and Dyno info. Dollars vs HP torque and possibly efficiency like (mpg). Overlay the 2.5 to the 4.0 to a 8 cyl small block. What does it cost to upgrade a 2.5 for performance to surpass a drop in 4.0 conversion or small block.