PCM help


New member
I have an o3 Tj 4.0 AT 48,000 mi. The other day I couldn't start the jeep, I did a thorough inspection (battery, starter, solenoids, fuses and wiring) I found that a small piece of pot metal had broken within the ignition switch. I replaced the broken piece and now the Jeep starts - BUT for only 2-3 seconds. First thing that comes to mind is a SKIM module problem...except there isn't a SKIM module in my Jeep. I verified this through the local key shop and there is no SKIS/SKIM unit on my column. So it seems that my PCM is thinking that I have a SKIM and shutting the engine down? I have been researching this problem and I have not yet found any forums where someone with no SKIM in their vehicle has experienced a SKIM related problem (I also ran an OBDII test and recieved a P1686 code - "no bus - SKIM module") I have done the battery discharge/lights on/lights off/key off - to flash the PCM but still having the same problem. I am fearfull that I will have to purchase a new/refurbished PCM and then have to tow my Jeep to a dealership so they can reprogram it. I have been researching forums to see if this has happened to anyone else and if anyone is aware if the dealership can fix the PCM problem without me having to purchase a new PCM ... please help ... I detest dealerships and I enjoy doing stuff myself so I can learn and then help others.
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Just read this in another post. Try removing your positive battery terminal and shorting it to the neg terminal for app 30 sec. Reconnect it and see if this doesn't correct the missing SKIM issue.
Just read this in another post. Try removing your positive battery terminal and shorting it to the neg terminal for app 30 sec. Reconnect it and see if this doesn't correct the missing SKIM issue.
Thanks for the suggestion, I went out and tried that - no change, it still is cutting out after 2-3 seconds.:x
When you changed the part that broke did you change the whole ignition switch? Here is a link to another forum that offered many suggestions, though this guy has a SKIM.
I went to the dealership today - OUCH! they said that it would cost over $600 to replace the PCM unit since it appears that it has been fried. So I sent off for a refurbished PCM from some outfit in Florida (hopefully it will be worth the $$$)
The weather here is suppose to be in the 60's by Thursday and I really want to get the top off and enjoy the warmth.
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I have noticed that a lot of forum users never complete there information requests by providing how they ended up.. SO here is mine. I ordered a new PCM unit from a company in Florida (the cost was originally $250 but I talked them down to $225 with free 2nd day freight) once I recieved the unit I took it out of the box, removed my old PCM unit from the engine compartment, installed the new unit, went to the ignition switch and said a quick prayer...and YEAH!!! she fire right up and has ran smooth as silk all day - so far.
I talked to one of the best Jeep technicians that lives in this area and he was really suprised that the old PCM would have performed that way - but it did and now everything in my world is back to normal (except I am a bit more broke):D So the key here was; check the basics first (solenoids, fuses, wires) run your engine test (OBDII) and trust that typically the mechanical parts of your jeep are built to last - but never trust the computer!
A coouple of years back I saw a PCM for my Jeep on eBay for $50 shipped, so I picked it up. I have ran it in the Jeep to test it, and it works just like the original. Since we do quite a bit of river fordings here in CR, an I have seen more than one ECU go KAPUT!, I keep a spare one nice and dry in the Jeep just in case mine goes out in the middle of nowhere!

Hello all, was searching the web and found this post and this site. I am having the exact problem as Kev.
Mine is an 02 Wrangler with about 45k.
Dealer just told me that my PCM is dead. It would start but not stay running for more than 2-3 sec. I do have the SKIM on mine and thought was the probem but I guess not.
Here's my issue. I was halfway close to pulling the trigger on probably the same outfit out of Florida as Kev. ( I won't mention their name but they are out of Davies, FL ) But, I looked them up on the BBB and they have an F rating. So now I'm a bit leery about them.

My local dealer wants nearly $ 1000 for a new PCM and programming.

My guess for the "F" rating from the BBB is that people have purchased PCM's and then realized that the computer wasn't the issue. The company in Davie will only take them back if they are defective - not because someone was guessing at the fix and made the wrong guess the retaliated by contacting the BBB. I was in the same boat as you; the dealer was over $800 for the repair and everything pointed to the PCM unit. I chose to purchase a refurbished unit and take the chance that I had gathered enough info to make the correct decision. Once I received my rebuilt unit, installed it....everything worked great. Personally, I would contact the company in Davie and express your concerns - when I did, they gave me a better deal that what is on the internet simply to prove that their product worked fine. I paid $225 which included 2nd day freight.
Good luck!

Thanks. I guess, at the end of the day I'm a gambling person by nature. I think I might roll the dice and try getting one from them. If it fails, then it's all me. I'm like you and just can't stand giving dealers big money.

When you look at it that way, do I trust that the dealer is not ripping me off vs the company in Florida is not gonna sell me junk products.

Still working it through in my head. They say on their site that for $ 125 I can send them mine and they will fix it. $ 125 vs $ 1000 sounds like a good gamble. If it fails and I have to end up paying $ 1000 anyway, I guess I will.
Ugh. My frustration level is through the roof right now. :???:
Have you checked possible sensors after the PCM. Maybe one of them is causing the computer to signal the Automatic Shutdown Relay to turn off the jeep. This is only a suggestion before the PCM change out. I had trouble with mine a couple weeks ago where the main fuse for the PCM kept blowing after trying all different kinds of things. After disconnecting almost all sensors I found a burnt wire on manifold oxygen sensor. This is why I am suggesting that you check to make sure a sensor is not coding the computer to shut down. I had almost bought a new PCM on several recommendations, it would have cost me a grand for a two buck fix.