Our "economic stimulus" rebates

The insult to those that have served is coming from those that are running this country into the ground.

Well said if your are speaking of those who are "running" this country (and yes, into the ground). The masses will speak their mind (as is their right, however misguided), but we (the masses) are basically powerless unless we unite. Those running this country into the ground are those in power............and it's time for a change.

Hopefully........and from what I gather I think it's true......one lesson we learned from Viet Nam is "don't blame the soldiers"...................man, they're just doing their duty.............it's our leaders who suck.
Hopefully........and from what I gather I think it's true......one lesson we learned from Viet Nam is "don't blame the soldiers"...................man, they're just doing their duty.............it's our leaders who suck.

I hope people will heed this. My dad served in Vietnam, and the way those guys were received when they came home is a shame. We do have to unite to make this a better country. All election year is is a popularity vote, just like when you vote for a class president in school. The electoral college is a joke and very outdated. Hey look, I used the quote function!

.... The electoral college is a joke and very outdated. Hey look, I used the quote function!

Be careful what you ask for!:shock:

Without the electoral college, the states of New York and California would pick our president every time, unless you think that is a good thing.

you know I agree with you 100%

The Bush and Clinton families have ran the country for the last 20 years
Can you honestly tell any difference between the results?

Things have generally went down hill as far as government getting bigger, taxes being higher, and our civil liberties and freedoms disappearing like virginity on prom night
Without the electoral college, the states of New York and California would pick our president every time, unless you think that is a good thing.

Like I said, it would be a popularity election. Why won't someone bring the Whig party back so we could at least choose between 3 deadbeats instead of two? The electoral college needs work, though.:?|

Has anyone noticed a new tax rate went into effect as of 1/1/08? Oh, but give us $300 and we won't complain. But, isn't it our money to begin with? Why should we be helping banks with our tax money? Or is it just newly printed with no value behind it?
try living in rip off Britain, taxed to death by the government and stitched up on the price of everything else.

I can/could go to any european country and go to a landrover dealer and buy any model for at least £5k less than the dealer price in the UK.

this for a car built in the UK. tell me how this works.

as for jeeps , they are a whole lot cheaper on the continent than in the UK.

fuel- extortionate, without the taxes probably not much more than you in the states.

and we have the most corrupt sleazy government in history.

Born free taxed to death
Has anyone noticed a new tax rate went into effect as of 1/1/08? Oh, but give us $300 and we won't complain. But, isn't it our money to begin with? Why should we be helping banks with our tax money? Or is it just newly printed with no value behind it?

Now you get it!;)

Every time the Federal Reserve cuts the interest rate it charges to banks to loan money they just print more of it. But they sell bonds to cover it.
So when a country like Japan or China buys those bonds that back our money, who really owns us?

another quote from Blazing Saddles that fits

"Mongo only pawn in game of life"...

"Hello Mint? Please process the printing of additional monies that we don't really have, but need to release anyway. If we don't stimulate the economy by spending more money than we have, we will have a problem..."
thats "Mrs President" to you

"Heil Clinton"!

I'm under a temporary ban over at jeepforum for saying something like that (in the same way you did, which wasn't in a complimentary manner).
Discussion was about red light cameras and I made a statement along the lines of "It's ok, we're the govt and we know what's best for you. It's for your own good" which I followed with a "s**g heil!" which of course I meant as being derogatory to intrusive govt revenue generators and making a very loose conparison to the nazis using the "for your own safety" crap to pacify the citizens as they dragged the country into hell.

I was banned with a message that said "racist comments are not tolerated"

Sorry, WOT but this PC crap is getting out of hand.

Back on topic, Ron Paul is the only candidate left who has any sense of the dire situation our country is in, but even he is obviously a nutcase if he thinks he's going to "fix" things. None of them are going to "fix" the problem. They are either lying to the poeple or they are idiots who have no concept economics. Our economic system is no longer fixable. It's no longer a question of "if" but "when". Paul might be albe to lessen the blow, where someone like Klinton will put it off a bit longer and make the blow worse, but things went past "fix" a long time ago.

Paul has no chance, and the rest of the candidates are scumbag politicians (dem and rep) who are simply saying whatever the think will get them elected. Get ready for some tough times.....
Discussion was about red light cameras and I made a statement along the lines of "It's ok, we're the govt and we know what's best for you. It's for your own good" which I followed with a "s**g heil!" which of course I meant as being derogatory to intrusive govt revenue generators and making a very loose conparison to the nazis using the "for your own safety" crap to pacify the citizens as they dragged the country into hell.

I was banned with a message that said "racist comments are not tolerated"

Sorry, WOT but this PC crap is getting out of hand.
They're not PC, they're just flat out stupid. A PC guy would take issue if that were directed at jews or something. Obviously there's no race involved in that statement. Those dudes just completely don't get what you were poking fun at. There is absolutely nothing racist about that statement, and you can point them to my post with the explanation that I'm very liberal.

...I can't believe you got banned.
we're used to the toughest times.

I don't agree with you there, this country has made it through much worse in the past. The problem is we don't have the leadership today (either in office or running) to head us in the right direction and get us back on our feet. All we are hearing is more of the same old BS and unfortunately I don't see anything changing in the near future.

The USA needs to reclaim what has been lost over the years.

We need to show our children right from wrong and teach them the value of a dollar and a hard days work. I see so many people handing their children everything they want - clothing, video games, MP3 players, cars, etc.

We also need to teach our kids respect and responsibility.

There are no "Great Men" standing out or coming forth today. The youth of this country is our hope for the future and what have we been teaching them? That their life should be EASIER than ours? That they shouldn't HAVE to do what we had to do? Where's it leading us?

Not only are our politicians failing us but a lot of the parents in this country are failing us as well.

WOW - THAT was a rant.
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They're not PC, they're just flat out stupid. A PC guy would take issue if that were directed at jews or something. Obviously there's no race involved in that statement. Those dudes just completely don't get what you were poking fun at. There is absolutely nothing racist about that statement, and you can point them to my post with the explanation that I'm very liberal.

...I can't believe you got banned.

Temporary ban, but when I saw the message I thought "they must have confused me with someone else"

As for the hard times a comin', Bush certainly hasn't done anything to help matters at all. NONE of the politicians have done anything but tell us "all is well" while they tax and spend and spend and spend. They're spending money that doesn't exist, so they print more. I could be wrong but I think we're going to be looking at "the greater depression" coming on in the next couple of decades.
Both parties have done NOTHING to stop it.
Well, given the current administration, we're used to the toughest times.

we ain't seen nothin' yet.... and aside from a Ron Paul, it doesn't matter what party is in the white house.
It's like this

There are two buses headed for a cliff

Bus #1 is the Demopublicans traveling at 60 MPH

Bus #2 is the Republicrats traveling at 50 MPH

when it's over both buses are going over the cliff, one will just get there a little sooner.

and nobody said that the president can enact legislation, but with a congress full of greedy lawyers, a president can sign the worst laws into existence and the Supreme Kangaroo Court will uphold it.