On Line Meet-N-Greet


The Machine:

The little boy:

I hope this double post works... that 's worth seeing again. :-D

Damn Fine Rig & Post,,, Sir?

Funny, So many Servants of the People here,
for so long, helping so much.

Thank you Gentle Jeepers, It's feeling like family.
It should.

Don't stop now, don't be shy, you may live two houses
away from a member and not even know it.

Quite a Few are going to have an experience of a lifetime
in The Beautiful Montains of Tennessee. Jhiggins and I got
so jeouluos we started our own club, only thirty minutes away,
with great trails in the middle..

SOUND OFF! ;-) there are
many, just like you, who don't want a car,,,, but to learn how
to appreciate the abilities of the Stock or Modified JEEP.

Jeep Well, Tread Lightly, and help someone today.
It just FEELS GOOD!!! :cool: :cool: :cool: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: [addsig]

By the way there,,,

Elite Jeep... ;-)

Look at the pics of the K9 Rig,
You'll see our 'brothers lost &
captured" on my side panels. too.

Glad to know I'm not the only soldier
who still misses someone "my Dad"...

For whatever reason you fly POW/MIA ,
thanks,, It is easy to forget the Sacrafice.
It is vital, to remember....

Know, I do too. Always will. Remember.
Sorry if I ramble, but it just hit home.

K~9 ,,, Over.



This picture is a year old as of june 2nd!! This was taken when I graduated from grad school last year! and that is my old man and mommy.

Don't stare too long, I am a scary mo-fo! hehe[addsig]

By the way PG, if you never told me you lived on the cape, I would have been able to pick it out in a heart beat cause of the siding on the house, typical cape cod exterior!!

Everyone is looking good and healthy! glad to see so many radiating smiles (except me!) HEHE[addsig]

I fly my POW/MIA as a thankyou. It is for the Truely lost and captured, however, it is also for those lost in Mind and body. I personally don't have any POWs or MIAs in my background that I am aware. I do have those who will never be the same because the little boy that was shipped to the far regions of the planet have been lost to the shell shocked man that returned. To those of you who know what I mean, THANK YOU!! and for those of you who have a family member that was there, be sure to thank them. They are why we are still free. Each one of them compairs only to William Wallace. They search for freedom and seek to provide it to us all.

"It is the soldier not the reporter, Who has given us freedom of the press. It is the soldier, not the poet, Who has given us freedom of speech. It is the soldier, not the campus organizer, Who has given us freedom to demonstrate. It is the soldier, Who salutes the flag, Who serves beneath the flag, and whose coffin is draped by the flag, Who allows the protester . . . to burn the flag."

Father Denis Edward O'Brien, USMC


I fly my POW/MIA as a thankyou. It is for the Truely lost and captured, however, it is also for those lost in Mind and body.

I do have those who will never be the same
because the little boy that was shipped
to the far regions of the planet

have been lost to the
shell shocked man that returned.

To those of you who know what I mean, THANK YOU!!


No Sir, Thank you.

For Remembering and REMINDING Americans of the Price.
And the debt that we owe.

Each one of them compairs only to William Wallace

Please, Please tell me we don't have another 'Scott'
Warrior Poet amongst our Jeepz.Com....

Tell me,, 95B ,,,, Do You Copy??

If you do we are truly in trouble, and will enjoy every
post, full of insight and experience.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: [addsig]

I agree with USMPK9 ......Thank YOU... for you and many others like you
are there now and hold to what some of us wish we still could .....But
remember we are still there in heart........HOOAH
:oops: [addsig]