Old Man Winter

Well, the old fart is finally here. Last few weeks we've been setting record highs in the 70's and 80's. This morning is a different story. We've got 31 degrees, sleet, and winds of 25-35mph. They're predicting up to an inch of snow today, with the winds being sustained at 40mph with gusts up to 60mph!!!! Not a good day to be working in irrigation service!!

Lets check the old weather forcast...ok today is going to be Sunny high of 84 and low of 73. Damn I love south florida.
About 75 today with a chance of tornados later. Cold front coming through tonight with highs only in the 50s for the rest of the week.

That concludes this weather forecast.

On a related note I put the top up for the first time in a few months just a couple of weeks ago. Over the weekend I had to put in the windows for the rain storms. Looks like the top is on for awhile. At least 3 months.
judge09 said:
Lets check the old weather forcast...ok today is going to be Sunny high of 84 and low of 73. Damn I love south florida.

Ahh yeah, you do have a point there.. south Florida has the most pleasant weather.....UNLESS THERE I A HURRICANE!!!!

sorry dude, I know you like it there and all, but git me fer away from them bad suckers...

90Xjay said:
Ahh yeah, you do have a point there.. south Florida has the most pleasant weather.....UNLESS THERE I A HURRICANE!!!!

sorry dude, I know you like it there and all, but git me fer away from them bad suckers...

And the weirdest of the weird, and the most heinous of the heinous crimes. A local DJ lived there for 10 years, and she hated it! Now every morning, she reads off a list of the top 10 most bizarre stories and crimes from the previous day, and fully half of them come from South Florida!!:shock::lol: :crazy:
90Xjay said:
Ahh yeah, you do have a point there.. south Florida has the most pleasant weather.....UNLESS THERE I A HURRICANE!!!!

sorry dude, I know you like it there and all, but git me fer away from them bad suckers...

The hurricane comes and goes. It only lasts a couple hours and then its back to pleasant weather. As long as you use your head hurricanes arent too bad. The power outage for a week was kinda tough but I got myself a generator and I will be 100% fortified for the next hurricane.8)

I was at the beach the day after the hurricane...
Sparky-Watts said:
And the weirdest of the weird, and the most heinous of the heinous crimes. A local DJ lived there for 10 years, and she hated it! Now every morning, she reads off a list of the top 10 most bizarre stories and crimes from the previous day, and fully half of them come from South Florida!!:shock::lol: :crazy:

I believe it. It all depends on where you are. South FL has a great wealth gap. There are the richest of the rich and a couple miles away you have migrant workers working for minimum wage living in terrible housing conditions. Like in most poor communities there is a visible bad element causing trouble.

Ofcourse there is a visible bad element in the rich areas too. The CEO of Tyco that just got sent the big house lives in the same community as the parents of some friends. And Don King's girlfriend "owns" a house in my inlaws country club.
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welll thats nice i live north of the border winter peg manitoba yesterday -10 celcious and 27 cm of the sticky wet snow oh yah!!!!!!!
Tagg said:
welll thats nice i live north of the border winter peg manitoba yesterday -10 celcious and 27 cm of the sticky wet snow oh yah!!!!!!!

Can you translate that for us Americans??? :lol: :lol:

Regardless, sounds COLD!!!!!!:(
Been seeing overly warm weather off the mid east coast of usa. Love it, indian summer. Warm days and nights too! Cold front coming through later this week and still only calling for 50's. I'll take it any day compared to a cold nor east winter!

Woot! Mid 20s and flurries today, expected to be the same tomorrow...

Last night was great though, all the rain came through, and the streets were all flooded in the city because of the leaves, got to Jeep around like crazy in my neighborhood, and come to the rescue of a Sebring at Eastlawn Drive and Herbert Avenue, the water was over their hood, hydrolocked it... I got out of the Jeep and helped push them to higher ground, water was almost up to my waist at one point, it's a low intersection, and water was up on the lawns... Then after that, crazy cold today, and the same for the rest of the week!

Saurian said:
Woot! Mid 20s and flurries today, expected to be the same tomorrow...

Last night was great though, all the rain came through, and the streets were all flooded in the city because of the leaves, got to Jeep around like crazy in my neighborhood, and come to the rescue of a Sebring at Eastlawn Drive and Herbert Avenue, the water was over their hood, hydrolocked it... I got out of the Jeep and helped push them to higher ground, water was almost up to my waist at one point, it's a low intersection, and water was up on the lawns... Then after that, crazy cold today, and the same for the rest of the week!


Shoulda left the Sebring there and let it freeze into a block of ice!!!:D