new guy to jeepz need to vent


New member
Hey guys iam new to this site and think that is is great very heplfull. with that said i have a set of bushwhacker extend a flares for sale on ebay. The flares are new but a started to trim the front flares. Any ways i have had to people say that i am a d bag and just trying to dop people. I answered these guys questions honnistly and never miss led them. I am acking 100.00 bucks for the flases. They are still completley useable. Iam i in the wrong here guys let me know either way. Thanks and lov the site.

I don't think you're in the wrong. From what I've seen, that's a pretty fair price for the flares. Some people can be real arseholes. If you don't want 'em, don't buy 'em!! Seems pretty simple to me. As long as you're honest, you can't go wrong. I wouldn't lose a lot of sleep over it.

Oh, yeah.....................welcome to the Z!!!!
That's what i hate about selling cheap. Even the minute scratch is scrutinized and you just don't seem to hear the end of it. i usually just give stuff away if i don't need it anymore just so i can tell e'm where to shove it if they have any complaints. i know, i gotta work on my attitude but i am what i am.

ya oh well iam over it. if thry dont sell thats fine maybe some one on jeepz is interesed. thanks for the imput guys
As long as your represent your item accurately, and include good photos, you shouldn't worry about a thing. There will always be someone that thinks that a price is too expensive.

Sorry about the spelling. It was never one of my strong points. They fit a tj by the way. I have posted them in the swap meet section if anybody is interested.

Yeah, in my original reply, I forgot to mention "spell check"!!

What's amazing to me is that Firefox has a built in spell check. I think IE might as well. I don't use it though so I can't say.