

New member
So, I wrecked my 10 day old Wrangler today :( :( :(

It's not terminal, but the front end is torn up pretty good. And yes, it was my fault.

I'll post more later. :cry:

now that sucks ... fill us in on what happend ?? .... my buddy crashed his TJ into a light pole broke the front axle and just murdered the front end .. but didnt hurt him though ... let us know what went down hope you are allright !
What happened was basically morning rush hour traffic in Baltimore. I was on my way down I-83 to work (I was actually scheduled to work in Kearneysville, WV, which normally would've taken me across 30 in PA and down 15 to Frederick, where traffic wouldn't have been an issue, however I got a call late last night from a co-worker asking me to do him a favor and check out a couple jobs on my way to WV which required that I drive through Baltimore on my way to WV).

Anyway, I'm driving down I-83 in the left hand lane. All of a sudden traffic came to a screetching halt, people were slamming on their brakes. I did the same, but I could see I wasnt going to get stopped in time so I attempted to swerve in behind an 18 wheeler in the right lane, but I couldnt get slowed down enough and I ended up hitting the rear wheel on the trailer of the 18 wheeler, which caused my Wrangler to do a couple 360's in the middle of the interstate, during which time I apparently made light contact with a Subaru station wagon with my rear drivers side fender flare (very, very little damage on the wrangler from that impact - barely a scuff).

I came to a stop facing the correct direction in the left hand lane. I tried to fire the Wrangler up to drive her off the road, but she wouldn't start. I asked a couple of people who had stopped to help me, and we pushed her to the shoulder. When the cops showed up, I tried to start it again and it started right up and I was able to drive her home. I *think* everything's OK mechanically, although I'm sort of puzzled as to why it wouldnt initially start (any ideas?). So far, it looks like the list of what will need to be replaced includes:

Front bumper
Passenger side bumper end cap
Fog lights
Passenger side fender/turn signal lenses

There are a couple decent scratches on the edges of the hood, so I dont know yet if it'll be replaced or repainted (the passenger side hood latch broke off in the wreck and the hood was flopping a little bit on the drive home - I drove slow and I dont think it bent any, but I'll let the insurance decide.

So, in the end I wasn't cited for anything by the police, but I was determined to be at fault. The insurance is paying for everything (I just have to pay the deductible) and the Wrangler will go into the shop Monday. Oh yeah, I wasn't hurt and neither was anyone else. I also am not sure how I managed to do 2 consecutive 360s in the Wrangler without rolling it.

Damage to others include:
- Flat tire on the trailer of the 18 wheeler.
- Subaru had a small scuff/dent on the rear passenger corner (not bad)
- Retard in an '03 Accord claimed that when my wrangler was spinning I kicked up some gravel or debris and put a chip in his paint :rolleyes:

So, to summarize...it could be worse, and my Wrangler should be ready to hit the trail again in a couple weeks. And as an added bonus, I was able to use the situation to get the company to finally give me a company van, so the Jeep won't be put in danger as often ;).
Jason4x4 said:
- Retard in an '03 Accord claimed that when my wrangler was spinning I kicked up some gravel or debris and put a chip in his paint :rolleyes:

Oh, give me a break!! Somebody biotch-slap that jerk for me!!! Some folks just end up wanting something for nothing from someone else's misfortune.

Glad you're ok, and it sounds like the Jeep faired pretty well, too. Of course, I'm sure you know it could have been much worse.

About it not starting, there could be a couple of things: Could be that you flooded the engine when it stalled while spinning backwards with the transmission in a forward gear. Also, I don't know if your Jeep (or any of them) are so equipped, but many vehicles now have fuel shut-off switches that automatically shut off the fuel supply in the event of a collision, so as to reduce the risk of fire. Some remain off for a certain amount of time, and others have to be reset manually before the vehicle can be started again. Aside from those two, I don't have a clue.

Again, I'm glad you're ok.....

it probably wouldn't start right away because of a safety thing they built into the fuel tank... probably a cutoff of some sort that got triggered when you were practicing your triple-lutz. glad to hear everyone's okay n find out where that accord owner lives... lol
The good news is that on a Jeep, as long as you don't damage the frame or main tub, everything else bolts right in. Sounds like pretty minor damage overall.
Get yourself a check and go ahead and upgrade that front bumper.
dingus said:
it probably wouldn't start right away because of a safety thing they built into the fuel tank... probably a cutoff of some sort that got triggered when you were practicing your triple-lutz.

Now why didn't I think of that?:rolleyes: :lol:

redrooster said:
The good news is that on a Jeep, as long as you don't damage the frame or main tub, everything else bolts right in. Sounds like pretty minor damage overall.
Get yourself a check and go ahead and upgrade that front bumper.

X2...nows the time to upgrade, which will also save a lot of money instead of buying factory Jeep replacement parts.

That sucks though...glad no one was hurt though!
sparky said:
Oh, give me a break!! Somebody biotch-slap that jerk for me!!! Some folks just end up wanting something for nothing from someone else's misfortune.
Unfortunately, this is the new motto of the new millenium. "Something for nothing". It's this BS mentality that made me despise being in retail.

Bum deal homie!
Good to hear you faired well though.......... I am pretty sure TJ's are not designed for 360's on the freeway..... I actually have a small sticker on my tailgate, placed upside down that reads "if you can read this my mom was right"....... the old phobia that jeeps roll easy....

Sounds like a lucky twirl you had there.

Just look at it this way, its just the Jeep gods way of telling you to rip those bumper end caps off........ just a bit severe way to say it!!

Good luck putting her back together, like somebody had mentioned, everything just bolts right up.

And oh yeah, leave one of those scuffs on the hood..... you gotta get a first one sometime, you are now a Jeeper!
Jason4x4 said:
Roughly 7:17am this past Thursday. Why, did you happen to drive by and see it?? :redface:
Nah, I had already been at work for an hour by that time. Just wondering how close I was to it.

I83 is funny like that... traffic will go from 75 mph to a crawl in an instant and those hills can make it pretty hairy at times. More than once I crested a hill and braked hard when I saw what was on the other side.

Hopefully you'll have her all put back together soon.
Had a similar story myself..


b12241e4250d.jpgI know just how ya feel mine was 1 month old to me. I fliped it but did little damage. the a-hole that slamed into it at 70 mph totaled it.