Help a kid out...... please


New member
Hey im 16 and just recently got my license, I have a 1987 jeep yj wrangler that i have spent the past winter rebuilding with my dad. We redid the whole interior with durabak, painted the whole underbody and frame with por-15, put in a 4 inch bds lift, new 33s replaced the vavle cover and much more.

But now after driving, the carb is just a pain, from starting to geting it to idle, and even when i think the idle is good, when i go to stop it wants to die unless i give it gas, so im looking for a new one to fit right on without much work. Its a 258 4.2 inline 6. I was thinking maybe a weber but i wanna no what you all think so if you could give me some info on what would be best for me that would be great.


a weber can be expensive , but well worth it . maybe try a motorcraft carb from a bone yard if money is tight ?
search for the motorcraft (ford) swap from an I-6 300 cid i believe = pretty straightforward deal (would do it myself if it weren't for the smog testing here in vegas...) - there are more than a few writeups on this board alone... should be able to pull it off for LOTS less $$$ than a weber and w/better results! g'luck!
If it dies out when you are coming to a stop, it could just be clogged venturis. Its very common on the Carter carb and cleaning that out can make a world of difference. Try it before you go buying a new carb... Its easy and free. (Check out the how to section or search online.)
There's a few different routes you can go here.
1) Modify your Carter carb. The vent tubes in the venturi cluster are too small. It was a bad design. There's a link on how to drill them out and to what size. I'll look for a link, or maybe someone will beat me to posting it. It will solve the cloggin problem mentioned above. Just cleaning it alone will only be a temporory fix.

2) replace with an aftermarket carb. I have heard many mixed opinions/reviews on the Weber. Some folks just plain hate 'em, and others praise them. If I were to buy an aftermarket one, I'd go with one of those fance Edelbrocks that claim to work great at extreme angles. I think 4WD Hardware and Quadratec both sell them.

3) Do a Motorcraft 2100/2150 swap. This seems to always work well for those who do it. There's an adapter plate and gasket needed (Mr Gasket?) and you'll have to modify/fabricate your existing throttle linkage. These carbs seem to be right at home on the 268 I6's.

Keep us posted.

By the way, you've been posting about this YJ for a while now. Seems you and your Dad have been making a good bit of progress on it.

How 'bout some pics there young man?!?!?!?!? :)
well ive been thinking about it and i think i might just sell the beast now.. Its to much in gas for me to handle. Thanks for the help and if anyone is looking for a kicka$$ jeep i got one for sale...... :/
trust me you WILL regret it - and gas should be coming down some... (heard $67.50/bbl today) - so hang on to it - youre on a good trak w/it now... (guns and jeeps - dont sell em - you'll regret it...) miss my first jeep and my first gun... oh well... KEEP THE JEEP!!!!