Ginger or Mary Ann?

RE: I just love looking at this guy

Saurian said:
Mary Ann all the way... She seemed quite down to earth, and was always busting out those coconut cream pies... And I am very fond of coconut cream pies... You couldn't keep me away from a coconut cream pie even if there was a device for the exclusive purpose of keeping persons away from baked goods, and you were using it on me!

Not to mention that I think she would look great in a Jeep :)

Thats one of the many reasons why Daisy was so darn hot....
How much should i sell my YJ for?

Gotta go with Ginger. She was kind of slutty.
How bout Britney or Jessica?
I say Jessica.

Between Britney and Jessica, Britney. I thnk Jessica's over rated... in famous girl land that is.

Between the Booty and the Boobies, it's all about the booty.

antsinmypants said:
mingez said:
Between the Booty and the Boobies, it's all about the booty.

dont leave legs outta the equation (daisys got great legs)

Based on past posts, I'm surprised you didn't just wholeheartedly agree with me! :lol:
TwistedCopper said:
Definately Jessica over Brittney. No brainer... the choice not Brittney... well okay her too :lol:

Whoa whoa whoa! Jessica makes Brit look like a quatntum physics major.

Need I remind you about "Chicken of the Sea" :lol:

RE: Recovery Points

Jessica definately. As long as she doesn't speak.

For you Britney fans: