Gas Prices in your town ???

It had gotten down to 1.89 up here at some stations, now holding at 2.15... Diesel is dropping slowly but surely, from 2.99 to 2.49.

i paid 2.25 at about a quarter after 7am this morning before school, i passed the same gas station after school and it was 2.11

It got as low as $1.99 here, but has bounced back up and is hovering in the $2.10-$2.15 range now.

2.03 cheapest i've seen it in my travels so far .... 2.09 right here locally

Ours dipped down to under 2.10 for a while, but they climbed back up a bit. They're hovering between 2.15 and 2.19.

I have four 5 gallon cans which I use for the tractor, mower, 4 wheeler, etc. I've been waiting for the under $2.00 mark to fill them but I need gas...