For those who watched the Superbowl. No one posted this?

I like stirring the pot a little too...Being a Canadian living in the USA now for 6 years, I have an interesting perspective (not answers to any problems, but thoughts/opinions). I also have to say that I have loved living here in Los Angeles and I think that both Canada and the US are great places to be, neither is perfect, but hey what place is?

Anyhow, I don't think at all the violence or nudity in the media has anything to do with "problems" here in the US. We (i.e. Canadians and most of the world) see the same movies, same/similar TV shows, same video games, and so on. There is plenty of nudity and certainly plenty of violence already in American media/culture. Lets be realistic regarding the Jackson issue, it was such a brief exposure if it were not for TIVO and the internet we wouldn't even be having this discussion. Moreover, if it were not for the news media we definitely would not be having this discussion. Is it realistic to think that anyone watching the Super Bowl (quite a violent sport, with often scantily clad cheerleaders) was somehow scarred by the initial "reveal", all ~2 seconds of it? I really don't think football fans were really put out by that aspect of the show. I certainly was put out by the overall quality which was totally cheesy and worthless.

So my intersting perspective is this (whew...finally), I think a major "problem" here in the US is in fact the news media. Plain and simple. They market fear and negativity. Every night there is negate reporting, extremely little world affairs coverage (except for the places the US is involved in military action) and just general fear mongering. There are always these Special Reports "How this can kill you", "Why doing this will harm you/your family", "Why your Jeep is a deathtrap", ad naseum. There is a constant barrage of this style of reporting. It really blows my mind that news media wants us to live under this umbrella of fear/paranoia. I don't know how many people have seen news broadcasts from Canada or other countries, but they really are totally different than here.

I could be totally off-base as this being the source of any problem because I have no idea how many people actually by into the garbage they put on the "news", but it seems to me that if you promote fear and paranoia that the "population" just may live in fear/paranoia. For those interested this opinion is investigated in the recent Michael Moore film "Bowling for Columbine" which I thought was a very provocative documentary. But, it is almost certain that there is no one problem with one solution to achieving a "perfect" society.

That's 2 cents (it may not be worth even that), but there it is. I'd also like to say that the group of people that participate in this forum are some of the most caring, levelheaded and responsible (well, maybe not so responsible with your Jeeps when offroading :D ) people who I've interacted with on the internet. I've enjoyed participating these past few months and look forward to the future.


Its about freedom of choice. If you watched the show, they took that away from you.
I would agree that our media is very screwed up. If you remember that they make money by getting people to tune in. They love tragidy and scandles. They will make scandles to get us to toon in. It is a Joke you can not trust anything they say because they have to have a better story than the other guy. They embelish as much as they think they can get away with.

As far as the Jackson, Timberfreak thing. I was forcing their imorality on me and I don't like it. I have been on both sides of the Morality coin and I don't like what the other side does to me. I also strongly believe that nudity is as addictive as alcahol or cigs. I personally value my marriage and would not like to screw it up. You may say It is just a quick peak but that is the same as it is just one drink. I personally did not see it. I decided to do homework instead of watch that awful thing.

The thing that probably made me angry was that they pretended that it was an accident. If it was so be it but If it is national TV it should not be there. If this crap continues there will be no such thing as live TV anymore. I am not trying to push my values on anyone. National TV is a place were people are assured that this is not supposed to happen and for those who enjoy it there are channels for them just keep it off my TV.

Sorry about the rant!!

:lol: ::Gives a BIG Jeep wave to everyone and quietly steps out of this thread pretending she's never read it:: :lol:
mingez said:
:lol: .Twisted copper,
I knew you wouldn't let me get away with saying that!!! :lol:
Mingez -
You're a good man for putting up with my rants!!!

Geopig - Ain't it the truth about the Media! Try fox news channel. Not great, but a little better than the rest as far as sticking to the news.

Gadget & Brian4.2 - Manners are a like a fading art. Freedom is challenged more and more on a daily basis, and I am happy to see the reaction from this country. It may seem like a small issue, but I think that people are reacting so strongly to this as a result of just being fed up with the broadcast companies and common in-decency that prevails on their networks.

AVYoung - Keep comin' back! :wink:

Lady - Ha-ha! Made you look!
That's what I love, differing veiws on a topic, but respect and love from all! If we all agreed (on anything else other than Jeeps) this would be a boring place to be.

Twisted, all I want to know is: where are you getting the special smiley emoticons?
I swear, as soon as I posted that first one, I was saying to myself: "I can't wait to see what Copper has to say about this." (and I was laughing giddily. :lol: ) And you are right, MANNERS are a lost art form. Thats where fault lies: in the lack of manners. Not the act much.

Geoff aka Geopig, very thoughtful commentary. I appreciate your insights. Being from Canada, you do have a unique perspective.

The right to chose (on either side of the coin) is a sad thing to lose for everyone.

I agree with everyone's opinions on this topic, many viewers of all ages view the super bowl, and if they wanted to see a breast they would wait till their kids were in bed and order it on pay per view. Viewers were taken advantage of, and some form of punishment should be developed. However, I find it sad that people are making such a fuss over "stars". We live in a society where children are being molested, murdered and abandonen, and all we can talk about is pop stars and what they did wrong. I think our energies should be focused on other important issues, not people who are payed to bring in viewers. If the media would divert half of the time they put into this whole super bowl thing into constructive issues such as missing children and the such, it would be great. But our society is a ridiculous one, and important issues take the back burner in order for famous people to get their money. With that said, I hate the super bowl anyway. I was out wheeling. Go jeepz and god bless everyone and their opinions!
i'm with laneiac's point... there is WAY too much put into it... of course, for many, it is very wrong to display that. I didn't see it live but i've certainly heard enough about it here (which is where i learned of it) and other places to understand what happened. To me it was a blatent setup to show her breast area... but... like i said before, look at shows like baywatch, and even many commercials... girls in bikinis everywhere... there are bikinis all over the media which show every part of the breast except for the nipple... i see no difference in a sticky pad covering it over a piece of cloth held by strings.... it has become very much accepted in the media that the "landing pad" is the only part which should not be shown... but... regardless of what was shown, every part, a small part, any part... the IDEA that they wanted to get out, if it was intentional, was to make it look like an accidental flashing. I DO think it was very inappropriate to do, and there should be/have been censors doing their jobs thinking up ways to prevent and take care of such events, even before they start.

TwistedCopper said:
mingez said:
Twisted, all I want to know is: where are you getting the special smiley emoticons?

Incredimail (my pop3 e-mail program)

I saved them to my image host and post 'em like a picture.







Oh, why didn't I think of that. I have smiles from smiley central, bud didn't once think of saving them to my website. Thanks.