Dumb Gas Station Questions

How Many Cops do we have here??

One of the people I wheel with has a tube buggy made from a Ford truck and when we trailer it to a run we have to watch out for people looking at it so hard they forget how to drive and try to run off the road or run us over.

On one trip with my buddies power wagon on the trailer we rolled through the drive thru at the local Wendy's and after we ordered and pulled forward the power wagon was even with the speaker and we could hear the person inside trying to take it's order. We got a real dirty look when I stopped with the PW at the pick up window.
I'm driving a '00, nice sparkly blue Cherokee, practically perfect in every way, well, except for the scratches down the sides from blasting through the trees. And I pull into the station, and someone asks me about the Jeep, and if I ever go offroading in it... I tell him that I do, and he tells me that I'm nuts, not only getting my new car all scratched up like that, but damaging my suspension as well... To which I tell him that I GOT THE JEEP TO GO OFFROADING. And this was a totally foreign concept to this guy, who soon thereafter left. Duh! It makes a delightful around the city car, but if I never wanted to leave the pavement, I could have just as easily bought my mom's caravan off her.

i got asked by a little kid "if u hit a bump will u fall out?" i said "of course u will if u hit the bump hard enough."
You think that roll bar will help? I hope I never have to find out!

Why do you have that winch thing on the front of your Jeep? To pull stuff with!

Why did you paint the jeep camo? So you could not see it!

Why would you want to drive something that ugly? So I can do This as I take a key and scrach down the side of it and laugh!

There is an unending lot of questions from non jeepers and you are never going to make3 the most of them understand. So when ever you get a chance to mess with "that groupe of people" mess with their heads as much as posible.

I have given the Jeep question that I ask Myself the most some thought.

Why do I love my jeep? It is a simple machine that does what it need to do nad nothing else. It is fun to drive and will do all that I want it to do. I do not have to worry about A/C, Electric windows, Confort control, cruise, auto transmission, power locks or any of the stuff that has take the driven out of driven. when ever I am driven my jeep it is like pure one on one with the jeep. In a nut shell Jeeps are just cool! tug
For some reason, I ALWAYS get, "Do you ever get tired of fixing that thing"?

One simple answer for that, "NOPE"

"That thing got a HEMI?"

No,I have never gotten that one.... :)
This isn't a dumb Gas station question, but certainly a dumb Jeep Owner:

So yesterday when I went to the gas station I pulled into the only open spot... It just so happened there was a cherokee at the next spot over (and my Jeep likes being by other Jeeps :mrgreen:), so I pulled in. However I soon wished I hadn't when I saw that the Cherokee's owner was filling it with gas while the engine was running :shock:. She then finished getting gas, and immediately jumped into her Jeep and lit a cigarette :roll:

It's amazing how careless some people are :mrgreen:
-Nick :!:
. She then finished getting gas, and immediately jumped into her Jeep and lit a cigarette

In my younger days and in my smoking days (4 years, no cigs) I used to smoke WHILE I was pumping my gas. :shock: I thought I was so cool.

speaker wireing

Its a Jeep thing and only Jeepers understand why we drive Jeeps.......... 8)