do you run a radio and what is your setup


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ok so heres the deal. vote in the pole and tell us why you do or dont run a cb radio in your Jeep. also tell us what radio you run, what antenna, what amp (if any), what mic, you know all the good stuff. ill leave this poll open for a week and see what happens.

I don't run one because I'm broke, so for now the cell phone has to do the duty
Not anymore. I used to have one mounted in my Jeeps years ago but not today. The digital cell with two way radio kind of makes it just another something to get in the way. Plus the truckers and CB junkies think they own the airwaves and I got sick of hearing the endless BS coming through it.
RE: Jeep recovery gone wrong.

Well sort of... Not having much room for radios, I run a modified ten meter all mode radio and a dual band 2m/70cm fm radio rig. Of course the the ten meter will allow me to 'monitor' the cb frequencies. 8)


Well, I've got one. Rarely ever use it, mostly because I haven't gotten around to installing an external speaker and I just can't hear the damn thing unless I'm sitting still. I mainly bought it last year for a tornado chasing trip in Nebraska. It's a Midland 40-channel and I've got a Jardan (or something like that) 4' antenna, mounted on the spare tire bump-stop.
I run one because I like to have it and many of my friends run them too. Ive just got a cheap Midland from walmart and the antenna is an 8 or 9 foot metal whip that my grandpa had laying around (free, so the price was perfect) that Ive got mounted on the rear bumper.


I have a Cobra model ???...can't remember. It's the one with everything built into the mic so I can remove it and have no worries about it getting stolen. I'm running it with a 4 foot Wilson antenna. Works great. I have it mostly because it's a requirement to run with some of the 4 wheel drive clubs around here. It also makes long road trips not so boring.
I have the cheapest Cobra out there and a good magnet mount antenna by Wilson. It gets out for miles without a stupid amp (which are both illegal and a waste of money).

I only use it on club runs or occaisionally when I know I have to make good time as CB's are still far better than a radar detector on the highway ;)
i have a uniden pro510XL mounted in my Jeep.. it is nice & small. I have a radio shack 5' whip antenna attached to the roof rack and I will always have one in my jeep. they aren't very useful for long range communication, but on the trail they are essential. Every Jeep should have one for this reason. Amps are pointless unless you plan to spend hundreds on antenna, cabling, and having it tuned by a professional.

As for the cell phone walkie talkies.. those things are just obnoxious.. there's nothing wors than talking to someone face to face and having someone else constantly interrupting the conversation with that obnoxious tone.

I havea old (mid 70's) cobra radio, firestik antenna and cable.
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Picked up a CB from my friendly neighborhood Radio Shack, not the best in the world, but it does the job... Need to rewire the ground though, it picks up interference from the alternator when I rev, might go back to the original plan and have it in the lighter port with the adapter; didn't seem to happen then... Straight to the battery could also work too...

So y'know that groove in the middle of the hood of an XJ, that gets wider as you get closer to the windshield? That's where the magnet antenna sticks for the time being, I'm planning to install a better one on the corner of the rear bumper where it got hit on Belle Isle... As for the radio itself, it rests on the centre console, passenger side right next to the cupholders, the mic next to the air vent... Actually worked out really well, as long as I don't leave the sunroof open and let it get wet...

Got it for my trips to the Mounds, MJers communicate through CB on channel 4... Was fun to have driving back from Virginia; got to listen to a lot of really interesting people.
i think CBs are the best thing since sliced bread. ever since i was about an inch and half tall ive had a radio. never ever been without one. and even now, i dont even have a Jeep (or any other car for that matter) and i have several radios. one of them is my pride and joy. its a 35 year old cobra 142 gtl AM/SSB solid state CB base radio. for an antenna im using an antron A99 on a 40 foot pole, and the antenna itself is 18 foot tall. so that puts me 2 foot shy of the FCC limit (60'). below you can see my range. if there was a radio in my dads car and my sisters car i would have no need for a cell phone. and yes i have heard there is some awsome wheelin out my way. and no i dont run an amp. technicaly thay are not illigal, only on 11 meter (CB) but the FCC dont realy care anymore, as long as your not causing any problems with your naibers(sp?) and even then its there responsibility to put filters on or whatever.


RE: new to jeeps....educated quesions from a novice.

jeepless20 said:
and no i dont run an amp. technicaly thay are not illigal long as your not causing any problems with your naibers(sp?) and even then its there responsibility to put filters on or whatever.
I think it's cool you are into radios. It's a dying hobby around here. I used to sell alot of them and they always interested me although the one in my Jeep is my first.

What you said above is completely untrue though... they are illegal for CB radios. No, not enforced uless there is a complaint.

Those damn amps will interfere with TV's and radios and it is not the reponsibility of the interfered with to correct it other than calling da PoPO ;)

I had a jackass that used to come on the air at 9PM every Monday when I lived in Bel Air. I even borrowed a handheld to tell the guy he was screwing up my monday night football and asked him to tone it down. He was a jerk, I called the police, then the FCC. 2 weeks later I never again had a problem. Coincidink, I think not.
TwistedCopper said:
jeepless20 said:
and no i dont run an amp. technicaly thay are not illigal

What you said above is completely untrue though... they are illegal for CB radios. No, not enforced uless there is a complaint.

yea thats what i was saying. thay are illegal for 11 meter (CB) but not illegal to posess. as long as thay are not inline with the 11 meter radio. cripes haveing your radio peaked and tweaked makes it an illegal radio. 4 watts is sad though. why not 5. oh well i know what your saying.
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I know an old dude that lives next to my gramps that is into the radio thing. Ham radio I guess it's called. He has a ton of antenna's and stuff. Does it in his attic I think. lol

I have a cobra handheld. I haven't used it for anything since I bought it one year ago. I haven't been on any trail rides either. lol Could be why. When I listened from my house, I could hear truckers. Occasionally, I put it on the weather station during jeep shows, to show off that I have it. woo hoo right.

I should try it travelling sometime and listen to see what entertainment it gives. I did get a few laughs out of it even listning in my driveway. The truckers had names like "chicken wings (proun. wang)" and "biscuit (pround. biskit)". I thought that endlessly funny.

"errrr uuuhhh Breaker break 10-9 this is chicken wang calling out on the airwaves looking for porkchop."


RE: Jeep

i've got a cb (cheapo radio shack one), but its stowed under my passenger's seat. don't really use it often, though i'm tempted to when i'm stuck in traffic. as for the antenna, this was a very last minute thing, so i just bought one that sticks to the window. it worked for what i needed it for. i tried to tune it but i think i made it worse :roll: . power source is the cig lighter because i'm not electrically handy.
I have a Cobra model something 40 channel mounted on the side of the console with an 8' whip on the right rear bumper and a Yaesu 2800M ham radio mounted inside the console with the mic cable coming out the side and the antenna on the left rear bumper.