Did I fry my ecu?


New member
Workin' with a '95 YJ 4.0 liter 6 cyl. My son's Jeep. Just put in a reman long block from ATK. On first fire-up it ran really good for several minutes, then started to stumble on accel and finally died. Found we had missed one important step (been wrenchin' professionally for 40+ years and sometimes this still happens), forgot to hook up the ground cable from the battery. Now it will start after a lot of cranking, runs rough, smoothes out, runs rough then suddenly dies like you shut the key off. I fear we have smoked something electronic because we have spark to the plugs, fuel to the injectors, and injector pulse (checked with a noid light). Any help would be appreciated.

just to clarify...you have the negative cable going from the battery to the block and then a bare ground going from the block to the firewall now, right?
Check the connections on all the sensors on the intake manifold and make sure they are properly seated on to the retainer housings.

Check the connections on all the sensors on the intake manifold and make sure they are properly seated on to the retainer housings.

Done, and re-done. Likewise vacuum connections, fuses, etc. Been over 'em all a bunch. This is not a complicated system. I've pretty much narowed it down to the PCU (I know, sometimes you're too close to a project to see the obvious). I was hoping for an answer to my initial question. Don't get me wrong, I came here for help (obviously) and I appreciate the input, sincerely, thank you.