Block Heater


New member
Hi guys,
I'm form Quebec (Canada) , and had trouble to start my '88 YJ I6 Carbd, Clutch was half-frozen and praise god i put gaz anti-freeze in my gaz-tank! I also had to buy a new battery. Now i plan to buy a block heater but i"m not sure where it goes. Anybody installed one?
Thanks, Bert

Screamer 4X4

I hope you bought an Optima battery... then you wouldn't need a block heater. I have a Red Top and it starts in the coldest weather. A buddy of mine has one too, he lives waaaay up in northern NY. It hasn't failed him either. But who knows, Canada might be a different story.
Oh and I don't know anything about block heaters! :?
I think Canada is another story =)

-47c with wind factor yesterday

I know that with a good battery, it will old battery was not in perfect shaope, but starting a cold engine (near frozen!) is not the best thing to do for an engine, that's why i want a block heater!


there's a form of block/oil heater that slides down the dipstick for the engine oil. Hook it up to an extension cord and vwala! That's the only one that I can think of at the moment. Best of luck to ya!
Dip stick & magnetic are the easiest but I would use the type that replaces one of your freeze plugs.
yeah.. the freeze plug heaters are the best way to go... they directly heat the water inside your block... this is the best option

go with a block heater in the freeze plug. it works the best.