Any one else get this worm thing???


New member
Anyone get that god damned microsoft worm that they've been talking about on the news?? I just got rid of it so if anyone who has it can get online to read this I'll walk you through getting rid of it.

I dont know if I have it but I cant log on to my DSL/ISP the last few days. It started as working occasionally then not at all. Im not sure what the prob is but at least I can use the puter at work to get on the net.
I think I may have it on my desktop, I can't disconnect from my ISP and other little internet pain in the butts. I have resorted to surfing on my laptop. If you could walk me through getting rid of it I'd be most apreciative. Otherwise I amy be formatting soon.

the thing that i had let you get on your computer normally then an error box came up and said that the puter would be restarting and it gave me a 1 minute timer then shut off and repeated. If that's what ya got I'd be more than happy to help ya

I just got done getting rid of it on my mothers PC. It wasn't too hard but I'm glad I didn't get it on mine!
Oh we had it at my part time job too, a computer lab. BOth places were affected the same, there was a svhrhost.exe type error and then the printers wouldn't work along with all the pages shutting themselves down and the other pc software not working. At least it didn't wipe our systems. Good luck. I just updated her virus software and downloaded the patch from symantec.
Laws no and I sure Hope that I do not get it. Seems that I get every thing coming down the pike on my box. Thanks for the heads up tug

i was told it only attacks 2000+ systems.... god bless win98SE
there sure is some screwy crap going on with mine.... and some of that sounds familer.... like the not letting you disconnect.... so if anybody wants to elaborate on what it is and how to get rid of it id appreciate it

Well if you think you have the worm check out this site and follow all the directions on the lower left that are related to "MSBLAST.exe" here :

Good luck!
Whoa then I must have something else on my desktop. But I did have that on my laptop. I got an email from my college telling me to install a patch for something or another so I got it from microsoft and that fixed it all.

My cat has worms! hehe

I have no clue about this worm thing, I have heard of it, But i am not very computer savey. I can go to, and my email, thats it!

Here's your safest bet. Get windows XP. Supposedly Xp has already had the patch sent out to stop the virus. Other than that ALL windows OS's are vulnerable unless you download the patch manually. It will come up with an error saying that you need to restart the computer. Do NOT hit ok. That's how it is transmitted. I don't know how to get rid of it yet. My dad does this stuf for a living and had 100's of computers contract it. When I find out how to kill it I wil let you know.
Actually XP and 2000 were the hardest hit. People didn't pay attention to the updates that were needed. If you get a REMOTE CALL PROCEDURE TERMINATED error and a reboot, you can be assured you have the Worm. Clean it up and take it out of the Registry and you are set to get the Patch. After the patch you should be clear till the next "Cracker" decides to updates the current worm. If you need instructions on cleaning this worm go to and it will give you the full details. Everything and more than you would even want to know.

Have fun and Break a "Cracker's" finger if you can.
Yeah, I have winXP on my laptop that I only got 3 weeks ago. I was hit so bad that everytime I got online, I had to restart. I could barely d/l the patch for it before I had to restart. And it only Affects systems running Windows 2000 or higher (ME, 2k, XP)


tarsij, if you need me to tell you how to make it not force you to re-boot so that you can get the patch just ask. It is actually very simple to remove.

Thanks for the offer, but I managed to just squeeze it in before it rebooted last night. I had like 2.5 seconds left after it finished.

I believe it only affects the network-based operating systems (windows NT, 2000, and XP) :mrgreen:

Here's your safest bet. Get windows XP

Why? Windows XP is a lousy OS, Windows 2000 is much better and the patch takes like two seconds to install

-Nick :!:

Hmmmmmmmm that maybe what is wrong with my other computer.......Hmmmmmm