94 Cherokee - Stalling - NEED Fast help


New member

I have a 1994 Jeep Cherokee 4.0 Ltr straight 6 cylinder (104K miles), auto
transmission & 4X4.

The damn thing runs fine (plenty of power, starts fine, not knocking and no obvious
electrical probs). However, once warmed up, it will stall for NO APPARENT reason from time to time. It is
like someone turned off the key. You can restart it in neutral real easily. It only stalls
when coasting (like when comming to a stop light or when slowing to take a turn) and it
does not do every time. I have replaced the dist cap, rotor and all wires and spark
plugs. The coil is running to spec according to the ohm meter. The Ignition Control
Module (well, I can't find it) but a local mechanic says it is a very expensive unit.

I am at wits end and really need to try to get an answer. The local Jeep dealer here has
hooked it up to their diag machine and found NOTHING. Maybe that is because it only
happens when you are running the vehicle and not at idle in a garage.

ANY help is welcome.......I'll even buy the beer should you make it this way!


It's cheap, so you may want to try replacing the fuel filter.

Does the Jeep just blank out with no sound (probably electrical) or does it sputter like it isn't getting fuel?

i am having the same problems !! I have a '93 jeep cherokee. my mechanics and the local dealer both can't figure it out. it will just stall for no apparent reason. no warning sign like noises or lights, just go silent randomly. lose all powers including steering wheel and brake. this could get dangerous if it happens on the freeway !! need help fast !! thanks in advance.



try swapping out the fuel pump relay. i had the same exact problem with my 88xj and it turned out to be a dirty socket for the fuel pump relay.




will tell my mechanics to try this. thanks.



having the same problem with my 96 ZJ. It only does it after driving 8-10 miles. Once I pull off and let it cool a minute or 2, it will get going again. have changed out the plugs and wires, unplugged the O2 sensor, replacing fuel filter today, if it continues, will replace the muffler. did you get yours solved?[addsig]

Had the same problem with my 94 Cherokee...no one could diagnose it because it would never act up for my mechanic. Finally, after about 4 visits, and having my mechanic drive the car home, etc., we were able to find the problem....a bad crankshaft position sensor. Apparently these are known to go bad on these vehicles, especially '95 and before. If your stalling is a) abrupt (i.e., electrical, with no sputtering), b) apparently heat related (only happens when vehicle is warmed up, or on very hot days), and c) will typically restart within a few minutes and run fine then I would strongly suspect crank pos sensor. Replaced mine, runs fine now. This particular problem is impossible to diagnose unless the car actually stalls while a mechanic has a diagnostic computer connected...if the car is running, no problem code will come back and no diagnosis can be made. If you can't get it to act up for your mechanic, you could roll the dice and replace it to see if it fixes your problem. (about $60 in parts, $110 in labor, at least in my area).[addsig]


I started having the same problem with my wifes 94 Grand Cherokee Wed. night. I had driven about eleven miles going to work, was going over a bridge, and it just quit. Pushed it through the intersection to the side, and it started right back up. But at the next intersection, after I turned the corner it did it again. It was hard to start in the morning, and stalled out twice on the way home. I took Greep's advice, and found burnt spots on two of the contacts of the fuel pump relay. We'll have to give it some time, but that seems to have fixed it.

Thanks Greep

Having this prob too.

Will do the filter first then explore other options if it doesnt do it.


RH [addsig]

Anytime it starts stalling when slowing down, going around the corner, or stopping or slowing for a traffic light. The first thing I head for is the EGR valve. After a half hundred thousand miles or so it´s usually time for replacement or at least a good cleaning they get sticky and will cause this problem. I had one that would guit while driving at asteady 30 or 40, after six months of looking, finally figured out it was a noise suppression condensor built into the ignition system, so the radio wouldn´t go tick,tick, tick. The condensor wasn´t completly bad, but did leak enough to cause intermittant problems. Could be as simple as a loose connection in the harness, they have a tendancy to act up after a bump.[addsig]