1997 TJ Stalling


New member
Hey Guys and Gals,

I have a problem. My 97 TJ is stalling when you first drive it. It will idle, but when you drive it for a few minutes, it will stall when you push the clutch in or put it in neutral. This occurs off and on. I have removed the fuel cap and reinstalled as I thought that it might be vapour locking but no, still happens. Was thinking could be fuel filter but the changing fuel filter is a big job( have to drop gas tank) and expensive as the fuel filter is also the pressure regulator. If your changing the fuel filter, should do fuel pump as you are there and it is probably on its last legs. There is only 150000 KMs on the jeep(100000 miles). I have check the codes and there is none. Anyone have this issue and how did you resolve it?
Not sure if this will help or not, but when mine stalled (actually lost power, then stalled) it was the Crank Position Sensor. I don't know how you could check that though, and don't recommend just going out and changing it for the heck of it, however that was my problem and fix.
I have watch a utube on how to trouble shoot and should show a trouble code. But I have no trouble codes on the computer. Thanks for your reply.

after it warms up . will it run good . is this something that happen only when its cold start.
This stalling issue only occurs within the first 5-10 minutes of running. after that the Jeep runs normal. It will stall out, I restart and it runs just fine if it don't restall. No codes.
Install a fuel pressure gauge and monitor it until it stalls. If the fuel pump is the culprit, the pressure should drop and then stall within a few seconds. This would be my guess with the absence of a DTC from the PCM .

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i thing iwould try temp senor . it screws in the guose neck by thermostat. about $25 bucks . this changes your gas air mix as the engine heat up.