Snow?!?!? NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!

Yeah, that's right. After a strangely mild and dry winter, we're in for a snowstorm today and tonight. We've gone all winter with only two snows and no rain or other moisture of any kind, had days upon days of temps in the 60's, 70's, and 80's, and now they want us to deal with snow and sleet?:shock: I don't think so!! First day of spring and we're getting walloped. That sux. So, anyhow, our company also does snow removal for several businesses and homeowners around Wichita, so we mobilized last night and loaded up tons of salt, sand, shovels, blowers, and spreaders. We're the largest privately owned commercial snow removal business in Sedgwick County, and the 3rd largest in the state. I loaded 500lbs of ice melt into my van last night, and my back is telling me about it this morning. The bossman wanted me to bring the van home with me and park the YJ at the shop so I could go straight to the jobsite should it hit early. I'm not thrilled about driving a '98 Chevy 3/4 ton van with a Vortec 350 in the snow and ice, but I really didn't have a choice. It's not supposed to hit until late this morning anyway. They're predicting anywhere between 2 and 10 inches (we're right on the boundary between the 2-5" and the 4-10" area), starting out with freezing rain, sleet, then snow. It's supposed to snow through Tuesday morning with north winds gusting up to 30 mph causing drifting and near-whiteout conditions throughout the day and night. That means we'll be out late tonight then very early again tomorrow morning. I know, you Northerners don't think that's much snow, but believe me, people in Wichita can't drive when it sprinkles, much less when there's snow or ice on the roads. They see a single snowflake and before you know it cars are flipping all over the interstate!!:lol:

As for right now, we've had just over an inch of rain the past few days, which is good for the drought conditions, although a bit late for some of the wheat. I don't know if the bossman is going to have us come in at our regular 7 am starting time, or wait till the snow starts flying, since we'll be out so late tonight. Of course, I usually leave at 5:45 to get there on time, so calling him before I leave is out of the question.....he lives close enough to the shop that he can (and does) sleep in till 6:45am!

I was ready for winter back in I'm ready for spring. All the fruit trees have already blossomed, the grass is greening up, flowers are coming up, and we have several hundred irrigation systems running that are in danger of freezing up again, and we don't have the time or the manpower to winterize them all again. We're going to do our best to set as many as we can to run for a minute every hour or so to keep them from freezing when the temps drop to an expected 15 degrees Tuesday. Hoo, boy......I ain't looking forward to this!! Guess I better get in the shower.....maybe I'll slip on the soap and knock myself unconscious. I got out of the one and only other snow removal job back in December when I got run over by the VW......:p

We're supposed to get a few inches here in St. Louis from the same storm, just north of St. Louis will likely get 8"+. I enjoy it, but the wife can't stand driving in it after rolling the XJ in it several years ago.
I hear ya sparky, Been REALLY nice around here. (El Dorado) now all the sudden this crap. Got some reports from a friend that Garden City has around 10in snow, 40mph wind and it hasnt hit hard yet. Not sure how much we will be gettin though. I went out and washed all the mud off the jeep today so if i have to scrap im not scrapin mud. LOL
we got some freash stuff last week.


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Well, the bossman called just before I was heading out the door and asked if I'd mind going up to a couple of the properties I manage and shutting off the water supplies to the sprinklers (all three very large gated communities, a total of about 100 different water sources (meters) to shut off). Of course I don't mind, that's not only my job, but I'm also the one that would have to fix them if they freeze up and break. I finished up around 11:30am (started at 7am) and called him back to see what else he wanted me to do. It still hasn't snowed, and we only had a little bit of sleet this morning on the way in. Only then did he tell me that I was the only one working this morning....the rest of the crew was told to sleep in and rest up for snow removal later in the day! Oh, well, brownie points for Sparky. Anyway, he said I might as well just go back home and get some R&R for the rest of the afternoon till the snow hits. I can handle that! Now it's kinda looking like we may dodge the snow bullet, but not the drop in could go either way with the snow, so I'll just have to wait and see.
So much for the stereotypical Canada having all the bad weather. I just came in from sittin on my deck in the sun having an ice cold beer.

As all of you bi**h and moan about the snow we have been getting hit every other morning with the old white stuff.
4 inches of snow in the morning...and by late that afternoon it melts off in the Salt Lake Valley. Needless to say the ski resorts are boasting 156 inch base right now where it doesn't melt off.

As I head off to work 2:45 AM the snow plow clowns haven't even woke up yet.
(Thank gowd for lockers)
As I head north into the downtown area I get closer to the Great Salt Lake (stinky) , we get something call lake effect. Since the water stays warmer than the surrounding air the storms pick up an extra few inches of snow as they pass over so it gets deeper as I drive in.

Well this lovely scenario has been happening for the last month and a half!
And Tuesday morning is no exception either...dang when is the warm weather going to get here?!? Easter Jeep Safari is three weeks away and I am camping in a tent this year!
It's been temperate and rainy here lately, temperatures going from the 50s to 70s during the day over the course of the last month or so... We had 65 degree days in January... Now, we're stuck in the 40s with snow predicted for the next week or so...

Sure am glad I didn't plant my turnips yet :D
Utah_jeepster said:
As all of you bi**h and moan about the snow we have been getting hit every other morning with the old white stuff.
4 inches of snow in the morning...and by late that afternoon it melts off in the Salt Lake Valley. Needless to say the ski resorts are boasting 156 inch base right now where it doesn't melt off.

As I head off to work 2:45 AM the snow plow clowns haven't even woke up yet.
(Thank gowd for lockers)
As I head north into the downtown area I get closer to the Great Salt Lake (stinky) , we get something call lake effect. Since the water stays warmer than the surrounding air the storms pick up an extra few inches of snow as they pass over so it gets deeper as I drive in.

Well this lovely scenario has been happening for the last month and a half!
And Tuesday morning is no exception either...dang when is the warm weather going to get here?!? Easter Jeep Safari is three weeks away and I am camping in a tent this year!

I would love it there. I hate 98 degree 98% humidity weather and am embracing the coming snow today, ignoring the fact that Summer is near.

LIB....we missed out on the snow somehow.....some areas got over a foot, we haven't seen any. I think the system has passed now.....yee haw!!!
TwistedCopper said:
I would love it there. I hate 98 degree 98% humidity weather and am embracing the coming snow today, ignoring the fact that Summer is near.

The best part of the great southwest is the low humidity during the summer...
but those 100+ degree days are a killer. So I feel for ya TC.

There are pluses and minuses to every place of this great nation.
But I am counting down to the blessing of Utah... 19 days,22 hours and 26 minutes... till EJS at Moab.
Well this was a total bust. We ended up with a trace of snow in the grass this morning....all that prep time for nothing. So, since we'd cancelled all of our work orders for today, I spent the day painting the wheels, grill, and bumper on my work van. BOOOOORRRRRRIIIINNNNNGGGGGG!!!!!!!:x

Crapper doodles! We ended up with an inch or so of snow last night, which promptly froze into solid ice. Been out since 3am scraping ice from sidewalks all over Wichita. Finished the last job at about 9:45am....half an hour later the sun came out and melted whatever was left on the streets and walks!!!:x I'm one tired dude!!