Hello from Mexico

Don Lott

New member
Hello from Mexico---

Jeepz.com looks like a fun place for tech. info., trading Jeep war stories, etc. I just posted on "what are you paying for gas" thread to see if anyone is awake and paying attention.

Looking forward to a good ride.

Best Regards
Hello B'ham Jeeper,

Nice looking ride you have there---is that a whip antena I see, and what is the item on top? How do you use your Jeep in Birmingham---to and from school, work, are there some fun places to drive?

Here is Mexico a Jeep is like a faithful little burro without long ears---it will carry supplies and pull a heavy crago trailer when asked. Also, climb out of steep places, negoicate narrow streets/tight corners, handle rough cobblestone streets, and is easy to park.

Hope you enjoyed your Memorial Holiday---drive safe.

Best Regards,
Hey Don,

Nothing on top and the antenna is an optical illusion, it's the power pole across the street! I have a couple of pictures in the "reader rides" you can check out.

Right now I mostly use my jeep as a DD, there are a couple of places around here to ride, just have not made it yet. Just like this holiday, I took off 3 extra days then threw my back out... so I have been hanging out on the couch. :roll:

Where in Mexico are you located?

Again welcome to the "Z". Post up some pictures when you get a chance!

Itchee 96,
Nice pic.---a proud Dad, good looking boy, and a 4 footed friend to help keep track of the boy---and of course, your wheels. Glad to know you have a booster seat---very important.

You did a lot of jumps from what were probably perfectly good aircraft---an old joke---but then so am I. Seriously, my hat is off to guys that jump. I was in a few wars before you---artillery, survey, almost an F.O., and then by the Grace of God, a trombone, and an Army Band---got to be an old man. We logged lots of hours in a Caribou but they would never give us a parachute---the band has always been expendable. Also, those dinner plate size exhaust dumps on top of the wings made tuning up. when you got to the gig, unnecessary because you ears were still ringing from the ride.

Hope your Memorial Day was a good one.

All the Best,
Don Lott
B'Ham Jeeper,
Sorry to hear about your long lost weekend---I know, when your back hurts you hurt all over. If there is a serious problem riding in a Jeep will not help. There are lots of different rides out there. My last road car as a manufactures rep. was a LS-400---(a fast cloud), then a Toyota Tundra for trailer pulling and house building---(a rough 6 speed stick wagon), and now a Jeep Liberty---a tough, better than a pickup ride, versitle little beast that is fun, except when you are trying to get your big hand and arm way up in there to remove the oil filter. There is a Jeep engineer somewhere that should be shot.

Where in Mexico? Look on your map about 35 miles south of the Guatalajara airport to the North shore of Lake Chapala. There are some 40,000 expats---snow birds and sun birds from the US, retired military, Canadians that have frozen out, and a few Dutch, French, German, etc. just to make things interesting---and lots of Jeeps. Most Mexican roads are a brutal test for anything with wheels, or legs for that matter---and yes, hard on your body.

Easy does it on the back, and learn to lift correctly. I do exercises to over compensate, and have not had a problem in years, but you must start small and slowly build up.

All the best,
Don Lott