Ford Taurus electric fan in YJ


New member
Hey gang, I recently had a cooling problem on my 90 YJ 4.2. I have a "Flowkooler" water pump and a new radiator and still had hot days. Engine mods include dumping the carb for a Howell Fuel Injection setup. Anyway the stock fan wasnt working and I didn't have $300 to throw at a Flex-a-lite Black Magic II electric fan. While at a local pick-a-part junkyard, one of my good friends mentioned an article he read about a swaping a Ford Taurus electric fan for the stock jeep fan, in an off road mag. I found a late model Taurus wagon, one of many, pulled the two speed elec fan and paid a whole $30 for it with a warranty. I found two web sites with all the information I needed to buy the remaining parts and to complete the install. Put a long story short, my YJ has never run cooler and now on hot summer trips I no longer worry about adequate air flow when I'm not on the throttle. I paid a total of $130 for the WHOLE project and gained a couple of ponies as well:D . Interested in details let me know.

I can't believe the crap our soldiers are getting over doing their job, let me just say thanks for serving, if your ever in a jeep in So Cal look me up and I'll show you some trails.

is there a way to use a temp sensor to activate the fan without having to turn it on manually?
is there a way to use a temp sensor to activate the fan without having to turn it on manually?

yes, they sell the kits at Autozone. You get a sensor that mounts to the radiator and turns the fan on or off via a relay. The sensor has 4 different temps to choose from.