Dumb Gas Station Questions


New member
I don't know if this has been posted before, but what are some of the dumbest question you have been asked at a gas station about your Jeep and what was your reply.

I'll start if off with this one.

Q:I didn't know you could take the doors off of a Jeep. How did you do that?

A:What doors? I don't own any doors.

Here is one more thing to ponder. The look I get at a pay at the pump station when I get and pay for gas without ever getting out of the drivers seat. Early 5 and flattie owners will get this.

Here is one more thing to ponder. The look I get at a pay at the pump station when I get and pay for gas without ever getting out of the drivers seat. Early 5 and flattie owners will get this.

haha... thats pretty funny
"God, that thing must get broken into alot! What kind of alarm do you have?" I retort with, "The only alarm I have is me"
i have my hi-lift mounted on my rear bumper..."does that jack really lift the car?" answer is always "no, its for looks"

The Dumbest Question I ever got was from a Cute Blonde she asked Do you ever take it offroading ?

(The TJ was Covered in Mud) :lol:
i get the "do you ever take it offroad" all the time... and the obvious chronic interior mud will show that i am an avid offroader
Snitty said:
i get the "do you ever take it offroad" all the time... and the obvious chronic interior mud will show that i am an avid offroader

Me too. LOL

Jeeps are actually a real people magnet. You really have to be a social person ( which I am) to drive a Jeep, or you'll go crazy. -al

heres one for you guys i get alot during the summer..

Q:Do you fall out alot?

A:Ya just about everyday, ive grown used to it now :roll:
I have a 93 wrangler and it doesnt have a dent on it. Most people ask if I ever rolled it over yet. I Reply Does it look like its been rolled before?
not at a gas station, but a parking lot....some guy in a tj cam up to me and asked if i knew how to take the doors apart so he could get to his window....now i don't have a hard top or full door which is pretty obvious (at least to me) and I said no i don't have winodws, which got a pretty weird look

that and alot of the, looks like you had fun......after a good muddy run

I get several wack questions in my old camo CJ.

Is that an Army Jeep?

I bet that thing can go any where, Can't it?

Did you get that in the Army?

but the most favorite question I get ask is!

Would you take me for a ride in it sometime?

Better than the stupid questions are the waves and looks I get from the small children. Druling on the passenger side window of the mini vans and ricers. All kids seem to love Jeeps and trains. Dad's just give us the look like it is not fair "I wish I had one". The Moms usually look like hey my kids love your jeep! It is fun to have a different ride from the main stream. tug
Since I have a snorkel on my jeep I get a lot of questions about it, like....

- Do you take it through water?
- Do you ever go off road?
- The dumbest questions of all.....How do you breathe when you go under water? and How does it move when you're under water? and does it float?

This is not at a gas station its at a Mcdonalds when i was with tug down in tennessee.

Its poorin down rain and me, tug, pasmokeater, and greenreaper pull up no tops on and we all got our rain jackets on. you hear the little kids sayin stuff like "mommy mommy look at the jeeps" and "i wanna jeep". Then we got the imfamous question......"Why do you guys do it? thats crazy"

I think we all answered with..."we dont know" :D
Mind you that my Jeep has a 360, Th400 and 39.5" cut Boggers... a high school age kid pulls up:
"Man I bet that thing will eat up a mud hole! I've got 33" mud tires on my Toyota and I ain't never had that thing stuck!"
My response: "Well, you ain't never been anywhere then!"
Tug-- Man that is the weirdest thing isn't it? I used to have people come up to my wrangler constantly wanting to go for a ride. It's cool when it's a pretty female, but dudes.......
The kids thing is funny. One day I had this little boy in the backseat of the car in the next lane, maybe four, with his nose smushed against the window looking at my Jeep and giving me thumbs up. I could see he was excited and I could tell he was pointing out my Jeep to his parents. So being the showoff that I am, I let it rip wide open when the light changed. Exhaust screaming, tires howling and smoking......That must have really set the kid off(or scared the crap out of him) because at the next stop light his mom gave me a dirty look and his dad was turned around "talking" to him.
I had the dumbest question today (my tj is covered in Mud) a little old woman asked my why i painted my jeep mud brown !!!!
A snorkle brings alot of attention. Most people know its to go through water but most think its the exhaust for some reason.

This summer when it was about to rain (one of the thousand times it rained), a lady asked me if I was afraid it would fill up with water. I said Maam, I drive this thing with no top or doors down I95 into DC. I've taken it through stuff you couldn't walk or swim through. It's gotten me to work in blizzards, hurricanes, tornado warnings, and Ice storms. Why would I be afraid of a little rain water? :lol: