Does anyone know what.........


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Ok i was changing the brake lines on my 87 yj and there are to wires that go to the center of the proportioning valve thing. And one the the wires broke. I was wondering what it goes to and how to fix it. Its so old and nasty that it is really hard to solder back together. Also when i took it out the prong that went into the valve ripped right out. Is it possible to buy the little plastic thing on the top or do i have to buy a whole othe proportioning valve???

the wires are for the warning light on the dash. it is a good thing to have.

as to the little plastic piece i am not sure.
thanks. Whats the warning light tell you ? Do you know what i mean by the plastic piece? Its hard to explain. It looks like it unscrews, but i looked in magazines and had no luck finding it. The whole new proprtioning valve costs like 76$ and i dont want to waste that much money for a new one when the one i have works. Its just that little stupid plastic thing

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if you look at a cutaway view of that switch -- it detects a pressure drop/difference in the front or rear brakes (like if the fronts lose hydraulic pressure the switch will move and trip the light) - dont know if i'm explaining it right but i gave it a shot