A Jeep that wants to be a Hummer


Active member
Not a bad looking Jeep except for the hood and front end.


I like the front end as much as I like the pollished up tires and everything inbetween. That guy just didn't understand. Probably never sees dirt. oh well. That is not a jeep thing I understand.

Well, I kinda like it. It is interesting, for lack of a better word. Whomever did this probably put a lot of work and $$$ into it. Hey, just be glad the person didn't make it into a rice burining machine.-Al
I have to agree, I kinda like it too. I like the way the winch is hidden under everything, and I wouldn't be afraid to wheel with it. The owner of that thing will never take it out I'll bet.

in my words... its not unique, its not different, and i don't like it... it WAS expensive, and it most likely did not take the owner much time at all to do it... it doesn't take much to take something to a shop and pay them to attach an H7 conversion kit... i don't think that it is a good idea to take something superior, and try to make it look like an inferior vehicle... but... that's just me
Well, I still like it. Whomever paid for this conversion should have added an intake like the Hummer to make it more functional, but like some of you said,they probably do not intend to take it out too much. Oh well, to each is own.-Al

Looks like a Bastard Child of an Off Road affair! I just hope the Jeep was the Daddy of this thing and not the Momma! hehehehe tug :oops:
I thought this jeep was kinda interesting until I saw what N2 did to it, now it just rocks! LOL Great pic South, what Phun!

a male jeep was feelin a little frisky and felt sorry for a lonely, willing female hummer and brought her home for a night (slump-buster)... this is what came out 9,000 miles later
Kinda like it. The front end could use some work. It looks like a bug eyed TJ. It would look better with mud on it. In my book the owner gets points for daring to be different.
You guys are looking at it all wrong...

It's a hummer that has almost completed it metamorphosis into a JEEP!!!

Why does it need 87 amber turning lights up front? Ok, 6. But still, a pair up front and a pair on the side is enough. I don't like it. I think it looks like a warthog... see how the front end is loooong and sloped to the ground and the two headlamps that are too close together look like nostrils? Might look better with some wider "eyes".
