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  1. J

    dana 44 wheel studs

    Gone for a while... (But now, I am back!!!) make sure thar your studs are pressed in before using the bfh. mine are threaded in from the back on supior super dana 44 axels jim
  2. J

    Concrete clean up time... need help!

    i have used kitty litter to get the majority of it up. after the liquid part is up sprinkle kitty litter on it again and work it with a piece of wood, such as a 12-20 inch piece of 2x4. rub it till the kitty litter turns to powder on the stains are gone jim
  3. J

    On-board air for filling tires

    i paid $25 for mine w/clutch at a junk yard. they can also be gotten from a/c repair people. most of the time the seals go out in them and they won't hold the freon but they will still work for pumping air. i just purchased a sarnen rotory that i am going to use. got it from a a/c place w/clutch...
  4. J

    On-board air for filling tires

    york compressors come on volvo's early model fords early merceds most semi tractors. oba/kilbeys has a pully for $40 that goes on your alternator with both serpentine and v gruve's they also sell a 2.5 gal air tank that i mounted between the drive shaft and the frame behind the transfer case. if...