Installing tow wiring on a Wrangler TJ


Staff member
In order to pull a trailer, or anything else with your Jeep, you'll need to hook some trailer lights up. My 2005 Jeep Wrangler had a Mopar tow hitch installed, but there was no wiring installed to light the trailer lights. Fixing this problem turned out to be a pretty easy task, taking about 30 minutes.

I purchased a Hoppy hitch wiring kit (part number 32625). This kit is a simple plug and play wiring kit that will snap into your driver side brake light line, and convert it to a flat 4 wire adapter.

I also purchased Hoppy part number 37125, which is an adapter that mounted to my hitch, and gave me a fixed point to plug my trailer into.

Below are the items I bought, and a photo of my hitch, where I mounted my wiring adapter


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The parts

Here are the parts I started with, as well as my existing tow bar (without the wiring).


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Installing tow wiring on a Wrangler TJ - the install

To install the wiring adapter, you simply remove the mud guard from behind the driver side rear wheel. This is pretty easy to do, as it's only held on by a plastic push pin thing (you only need to give it a good pull). Then you will be able to see the brake light. Unplug your brake light wire, and plug in the T of the Hoppy.

First is a shot of the mud guard that you have to remove.

The second photo shows the brake connection that you mush unclip, and insert the Hoppy into. Just unwrap the protective tape, and pop the connection apart.


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Installing tow wiring on a Wrangler TJ - finish

I missed shots of the Hoppy connection, but in this last step, I install my permanent mounting.

This is a photo of the wiring receptacle that is mounted to the trailer hitch


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Installing tow wiring on a Wrangler TJ - finish

The finished product


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Yeah, I'm happy with the results. No more reaching up under the bumper to find a plug like on other cars I've had.

much better set up than the tard at a u-haul said i should. basically just cut into the wiring in the back and runnin thru the back door when i would need it for use. that'd be an eyesore i would of always noticed and hated glad i nevere did it. i may do this tho in the future
There is no reason to cut any wiring anymore. With the plugs avaliable today, just unplug the brake lights, and connect a plug in the middle. You don't need tools or anything.